• Member Since 16th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 28th, 2024


Tired, But Trying (Taking Hope In G5)

More Blog Posts714

  • 176 weeks
    Something in the works? Maybe?

    A thestral, a siren, a zebra, a dragon, a changeling, a kirin, three unicorns, three pegasi, three earth ponies, and three alicorns all walk into a bar.

    They then get kicked out because that's way too many characters with "primary/secondary protagonist" billing for one story.

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    4 comments · 347 views
  • 275 weeks
    Follow-Up Clarification

    Vagueposting aside, here's what's up:

    I'm not going to worry about all my stories at once, that way leads disaster as has been proven time and again already. Still want to try to do something with Of Responsibility, The Atlantis Scenario, Contrast, etc; but not yet.

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    0 comments · 518 views
  • 276 weeks
    Prepare Yourselves

    After several years of being basically dead...
    I am officially back on my bullshit.

    6 comments · 454 views
  • 285 weeks
    [Snippet] The Ponyville Numbers Station

    Sunset Shimmer set about unpacking her things. Though still reluctant toward the idea of staying in Ponyville long-term, she was at least going to make sure she was comfortable here during her visit. After a solid couple hours of work, the previously-bland master bedroom had been transformed into something far more cozy. The bed was made, her spellbooks and theory texts placed snugly on a

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    1 comments · 461 views
  • 285 weeks
    S1E1 Revisited: All The Ponies In This Town Are Crazy

    There's a mare in the moon, but she won't be for much longer.

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    2 comments · 496 views

Contrast Revision Stuff · 9:27pm Apr 12th, 2019

So while my relationship with the show proper is still in an ambiguous place of "I wanna get back to this but it's incredibly low on my to-do list," I have recently started taking a serious look at something else pony-related recently.

Filly Funtasia finally left Development Hell! It's actually pretty decent!

Actually, not just that, though. Contrast has seen some attention from me, and while there's a lot about it still up in the air, and as always I can't pin down an ETA to promise outside of the vague notion of 'sometime this year, maybe,' I can at least say I have some potentially interesting ideas. They don't necessarily all align with the old description, (particularly the actual plot stuff has seen some reconsideration, because the old thing was honestly kinda stupid) but the basic setup is still the same; Equestria split between the sisters, focus on Sunset and Twilight as protagonists. Really, I don't have a whole lot pinned down just yet so it may be ill-advised to even make this post, but still. Point is, I'm still alive, I'm still maybe doing stuff. Wish me luck, or something? Idk. Hope anyone reading this has a nice day.

Comments ( 1 )

I guess part of it is
The whole idea behind Contrast is "What would I like to see in a G5 under my creative control?"
And the answer to that has changed in some ways over time

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