Working on Things · 8:51am Apr 7th, 2019
That's all I'll tell you for now, gotta keep things under wraps and all that that.
Sooo, what's goin' on!? (I'm just going to put this here for fun:
Nothing related to "the story" (I hope that name doesn't stick ), but I have definitely been, well, throwing around other ideas that I'll probably find some way of putting into "the story", again, yes, again.
An interesting thing about every story I make is that they're all sort of, related to each other and if I where to, say, finally finish writing them, then if you were to not read it and instead read my second story (not necessarily a sequel) you might end up missing one or two key things to say, properly figuring out some foreshadowing. This isn't meant to be be just so that you read my first, second, third, etc books.
Anyway, I've been writing long enough now, don'tcha think?
And so I present to you... wait for it... MUSIC!
Ah, MelodicPony, why did thou hath to leave us.