Wholesome Rage: First video, new website layout · 2:03am Mar 14th, 2019
Remember to subscribe and smash that like button. Commit armed assault against that subscribe button. Be convicted for manslaughter and serve lengthy prison time for actions against those like and subscribe buttons.
I'm hoping to get a lot better at these as I get more practice in, since film school's officially three or four years ago for me. Consider this the pilot episode while I shake the rust off.
Should I at least buy the like and subscribe buttons a beer first?
Also, I'm looking forward to consuming your blogs through the medium of your dulcet tones. I'm curious to see how the content differs depending on how you're choosing to deliver it.
The animations in this video kill me every fucking time I watch it.
Great content. There are so many bad recurring jokes in anime to tune out that I never realized this one was so bad.
I'm just a braindead consumer to be honest. good vid though
Read the transcript, will watch the video later.
Great article, again pointing out thoughts and feelings I couldn't find words for myself, and making me rethink giving anime a pass when they do stuff like this.
One note unrelated to the content: while the previous articles don't have this issue, this one is difficult to read on mobile devices, most likely due to how the video is embedded, and resulted in a lot of flicking back and forth to read lines as they wrapped around the width of the video file rather than the width of the screen. I'm not savvy enough to know how to resolve this, but if it's going to be a regular feature on your site I'd suggest looking into doing so to improve readability.
Erk. I don't test for mobile, I'll have to get back to you on that one
Having witnessed much over the years, I can say there are indeed wrong and right ways to tackle fanservice. If the characters are confident, grown women, and know what they're in for, it can be super fun, like in Keijo. Handled... poorly, or thrown in when it isn't needed, and it can become the sole black mark on an otherwise perfect production, ala Made in Abyss.
Reminds me of Madonna-Whore Complex, toss in some Values Dissonance...
Not sure the specific trope combo...
Beware TVTropes...
Wanted some speculation into the origins of that joke, but it's a rant, so what can ya do?
well, I liked long, self-explainatory URLs to individual articles better.. But today most of humans have small'ish screens , so they don't lose much with short URL.
May be one day I'll watch some of those titles (already watched Code Geass, and few others), because..it sort of intriguing _what exactly_ one (ok, three) might want from travel/trip to Antarctica ....
also, as additional comment: it seems you can't make truely non-mainstream video production (this includes film and animation alike) today because:
1) Writers/idea creators themselves mostly mainstream-thinking, even if they think they are cut(t)ing edge.
2) Making _team_ of writers/actors/animators glued together by some non-standard idea is non-trivial (especially if we talk about non-standard non-standard - and having whole mountain of previous works trying to tell/sell something 'original' definitely not making our lives easier).
3) Video-production with quality at same level as we used to see from top animation or filmmaking studios doesn't come cheap. Even today, with all those (sometimes free/open) computer programs. And there will be shadowy censoring at any stage - from getting attention to getting money to actually making any publisher/theatre to show your work (if you manage to pull it that far without loosing any of your vision..or your team).
4) Readers/watchers mostly want 'same but better' (in one direction, not in another) - so it will be badly-received looking at numbers alone, thus making any future progress in this direction even less likely.
5) And finally, even if idea alone find its way into collective un(sub-?)conscious of 'huhmanity' - it may stay there for very long time without any real change/action. For example, idea about making Contact with cetacea (bigger Orcas and whales, smaller dolphins, forgotten porpoises ...) definitely around, but no real implementations yet, due to many social, psychological and economical reasons {on human side} ...
..and speaking about quality of amateur videos ...well, may be I was not completely right:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Dr4r9wwJ9A - this one looks more than OK!