• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 31st, 2021



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  • 159 weeks
    Hello & Goodbye!

    Hey everyone.

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  • 306 weeks
    Where Do I Go From Here?

    I just came to the realization that the majority of my school days are pretty much over now that I’m graduating this May. I never thought that in all in all of my nineteen years of life that I would be able to make it this far given the fact that I started school late due to of my shy, quiet, emotional and introverted personality in kindergarten which led to me getting homeschooled by my parents

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  • 315 weeks
    Happy New Years Everyone!

    There were moments were I wanted to stop.

    There were moments where I wanted to quit.

    And there were moments where I wanted to give up all together.

    2018 has been both a rough and hellish year for me.

    Yet by some miracle I managed to stay true to myself.

    Both my brain and heart, as well as my own subconscious made me me realize that there is still light ahead of me.

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  • 316 weeks
    Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Hope you all have a great Christmas full of lots of food, family and friends. And ponies, that is unless if you still have a thing for ponies.

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  • 340 weeks
    It's My Birthday!

    Yeah, thought I let you all know. Considering how I haven't posted anything in a while now that I've been slowly moving forward with my life. But despite that, I never thought that I be getting old really fast, even though I still feel relatively young. But 19 years old? Jeez time really does fly by when the realization hits you. It seriously feels like yesterday when I first came here on this

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Where Do I Go From Here? · 9:17pm Mar 8th, 2019

I just came to the realization that the majority of my school days are pretty much over now that I’m graduating this May. I never thought that in all in all of my nineteen years of life that I would be able to make it this far given the fact that I started school late due to of my shy, quiet, emotional and introverted personality in kindergarten which led to me getting homeschooled by my parents for a year before I was able to get into first grade a year later. Growing up, I used to think I wouldn’t be the best at anything because nobody supported or believed in me. Nobody except from my parents, siblings, grandparents as well as my girlfriend and the majority of my family who knew that I had the courage and potential to succeed. And here I am, a decade later finishing up with my college applications, getting ready to take the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) tomorrow morning, and keeping up with classes and grades until the end of the year. But the one thing that has been floating from the top of my head is, “Where do I go from here?” Obviously, the answer would be university however as of right now, I’m still both unsure and uncertain of my future career and my future path and I’m currently still having a hard time figuring out the best career I want to pursue and study. But one thing is certain, no matter where I go, no matter what my path leads to, and no matter how hard, difficult or impossible my future would go, I know that in the end, I would be both victorious and ready to kick on the future!

Comments ( 4 )

Ya know what? That's what everyone thinks when it's time to move on with life. Graduation is the true test to see how well you're gonna handle the really big moments in life. I remember when I graduated in June of 2017. That was the single most terrifying day of my life and I wouldn't redo it. Yet, it was the one test that I didn't mind going through: Keeping my head on my shoulders and not freaking out about it. It didn't matter to any of us over who's who in the social circuit anymore. Collectively we were all a bunch of terrified teens between 17-19.5 years old about to embark on the next phase of life--adulthood. My friends and I were so nervous but proud. I eventually got over my nerves by remembering my life mantra. Ya know what that is?

Whatever happens, Let It Be.

That helped me get the courage to walk with my row and climb those stairs to the stage and get my [certificate of completion] case! Walking across that stage will feel like you're in an almost dream like state untill the final name is called and you move that tassel. Then it'll feel like a ton of bricks have been lifted off your chest. You'll breath possibly the biggest sigh of relief you've ever done and smile. You. Did. It. Keep at it my dude. You only have finals and prom to get through then your free! I believe in you.

That's the spirit! :rainbowdetermined2:

I know you'll do great. I wish you the best of luck

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