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Three Weeks In, Things That Really Annoy Me In Smash Ultimate (also, writing status update) · 12:02am Feb 25th, 2019

Legend battles on the Spirit Board
Especially when I finally manage to tip the odds in my favor and am within 2 good hits of winning, and then get KOed with one solid hit. After trying for like 40 minutes.

The whole shield minigame thing after ANY Spirit Battle
ESPECIALLY when I'm out of SP and have just beaten a Legend or Ace by the skin of my teeth. GAAAAH. That just makes you want to throw EVERYTHING in the toilet, man.

The Fatal Frame assist trophies.
Seriously. Fuck that shit RIGHT up the ass.

There's more, but those are the ones that have been fucking me over the worst today. -_-

BTW, my overall productivity should take an uptick in the near future. I'm getting a new chair and, God willing, will actually be able to sit at my desk comfortably with the new chair. If it works out as well as I'm hoping, it'll mean more hours in the living room and fewer in the bedroom, which means increased productivity. (And I have been writing, it's just that I'm doing that "writing 200 words of this thing, that thing, that thing, and that other thing" thing instead of writing whole chapters at a go.)

Comments ( 15 )

Legend battles on the Spirit Board
Especially when I finally manage to tip the odds in my favor and am within 2 good hits of winning, and then get KOed with one solid hit. After trying for like 40 minutes.

Be a cheap bastard and edge guard. The moment they're off the stage meteor their ass down. Gannondorf's air down-A is great at this.

The whole shield minigame thing after ANY Spirit Battle
ESPECIALLY when I'm out of SP and have just beaten a Legend or Ace by the skin of my teeth. GAAAAH. That just makes you want to throw EVERYTHING in the toilet, man.

Send any Legenadry spirits on Toadette's Treasure Hunt in World of Light. With four in your lineup you can average 1,000-1,100 SP each time.

The Fatal Frame assist trophies.
Seriously. Fuck that shit RIGHT up the ass.

There's more, but those are the ones that have been fucking me over the worst today. -_-

One word, SHIELD! You can block the sister's attacks if you time it right. You only major concern is if another fighter tries to grab you.

Usually it's more hours in the bedroom which leads to increased productivity, if ya know what I mean. :trollestia:

The items that slow and reduce the shield are your friends. Beyond that, I just watch it for several revolutions and get a sense for the rhythm.

That damn item that instantly KOs you.

A switching schedule? Interesting.

Items, theres two. The Daybreak and The Dragoon.

Personally for the shield minigame instead of watching the area you shoot, I found watching the bottom and shooting just as the shield hole completely passes the bottom most point is much easier. My reaction time is ass, so this gives me plenty of elbow room so in the precious .5 seconds that my brain processes the info, the hole usually lines right up. Increased my wins 10x it did.

(its 6 am and im stupid and havent slept yet. apologies if nothing i said makes sense)

You're confusing those two items with the Devil's Scythe. That item instantly KOs you if your percentage is high enough.

That item was showcased on the Direct that added Simon. I think it was explained well enough at the time.

except those DO instantly KO whoever is hit by them.

Really? I never saw those items as being able to instantly KO, at least when compared to the Devil's Scythe. It does a lot of damage, with a lot of knockback, but it doesn't flat out kill you right away. Even the Homerun Bat takes a split second to KO the opponent when it connects.

those items are specifically One Hit Kill items. you'd never see them used at a tournamet because of that.

besides, why else would they be in three pieces if they only did huge damage and knockback?

I mean, yeah, you do have a point there. I never actually seen someone recovering from attacks from those items, competitively speaking or otherwise. You'd be lucky to even survive from them in the first place.

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