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Need five or so proof-readers · 7:29am Feb 20th, 2019

Hey all,

I need about 5 or so readers to proof-read the Dexter/Celestia encounter scene of the next chapter. Its around 6300 words, and its more like only half of the scene between Dexter and Celestia. I need some readers to read it to make sure it is understandable, and maybe offer a few comments on it.

There is one problem, the next chapter will be massively spoiled for whoever reads it. Don't worry though, as there will be plenty of other content and surprises to enjoy when the whole chapter is released; but to those who pay attention, reading this will spoil a lot.

I already have one person who already agreed to help. But I best get a few more. Anyone who wants to help out, comment below. I'll check this tomorrow and PM the link and password to the first five or so people who volunteer.
(This will be done with the FIMFICTION unpublished access, so it will require you to be logged in to fimfiction.net)


Report RenegadeAlias · 3,105 views ·
Comments ( 43 )

I could help, do you just need opinions or do you want me to do spelling / grammar errors too?

Can't you just let the entire chapter be proof read? It wouldn't technically spoil anything then.

I'll do it just so people can actually read the chapter and move thing along enough. Although, this might be the first and last time I do this depending how it goes.

I'll gladly help! What all do you need; just basic proofreading, like spelling and grammar, or do also want to check things like sentence flow and basic comprehension of the scene? You did say you wanted it to be understandable...

In any case, I'll do my best. I've never actually directly done this before, but since I do it in my head all the time... Just let me know if I get a little bit carried away...

Sure. Were you looking to have it done by a certain time?

I can do that sure.

If you'll have me then sure.

5016939 5016899 5016877 5016853 5016850 5016826
Link and password sent. Check your PM inbox.


I read and responded to your snippet via pm. I accidentally posted the same message twice somehow lol.

Wait, does this mean that the chapter's nearly ready? It's finally happening?

I'll help if it is still needed. Do you want proofreading to look for grammar/spelling errors too?

So after proof reading it three times (I will not show or post any spoilers). Everything seems to be in order and I really think it could be published now if you wanted. However, it's up to you where you wish to do so or maker other changes. I personally opinion I think its fine as it is now. I'll mail you if you need to go more in depth with anything. Good work by the way. 👍

Its back!!! Yahoooo!!!

6k words proofread, ~20 k words to go?

So wait are all the proofreaders reading different sections? or all they all reading the same 6300 words?

He wrote a new 6300 word scene for each proofreader to see what works better.


They are all reading the same section, there responses will help me add/remove other scenes. Right now they story has 41k words written, for the next chapter however that is way too much so I am forced to remove unnecessary scenes (like one scene between Celestia/Luna. The readers help me know that scene is superfluous because the story is about Dexter and not the princesses).

I know I am late but I would like to volunteer anyways.

You know I was going to ask why it took two years but then you said 41k words and I realized that you wrote more in that time than most writers... except steven king, he could triple that but only during the coke years.

You could just split them up in different chapters, or have like an interlude, to show how Dexter has affected the world.

It didn't take 2 years, it took about 3 months. But in that time I've lost and gained 2 jobs (ima scientist), went back to school, and started making YT vids again. Busy busy. Only the past month have I had the time to regularly work on it over the weekends.

Ok that explains some things. I assume YT stands for youtube, what is your channel name?

How’s the proof reading going?

Goodness, you've been having a Time of things, haven't you? Good luck with all of your endeavors!

May i Read?
Edit: I just realized how late I am.

To be fair.....I wouldn't actually mind a couple superfluous scenes with the princesses. It'd help flesh out there characters a bit, especially after Nightmare Trip.

If you're concerned about posting such a massive chapter, while I can't speak for everyone, I personally have no issue reading massive chapters, especially for stories I love.

Hey Renegade, I have no idea why this post wasn't in my feed.
But oh well, no use in crying over spilled milk.
So how is it going with the chapter? Also, if it hast 41k (best number ever!) put it in two parts so you can release part 1 and a month or so later you can release part 2 XD

What kind of scientist are you if you don’t mind sharing? I always wanted to be a genetic engineer and make myself biologicaly immortal so I don’t age but I don’t think I could ever pull that off. Apparently there are multiple animals in nature that can repair their DNA making the effectively not age and I’ve been dreaming of replacing a persons appendix with something like a special gland that can do the same.

So how is it going with a chapter?

So any updates on the chapter I remember you posted a while back some content showing it was being written.

I like to know that you don't make your chapters with an attitude "Thus is good enough, post it". You thinking it over, finding people to check if it's proper and in high quality. It's really wonderful to see people who take what they do with passion and seriousness. Even if some people would think that it's not worth all the trouble and maybe even just stupid.

I know that before I told you to take your time but... Wow... Can I help you somehow so others can finally see what have you been working on for so long?

man you're really giving Gorge RR a real run for his money huh? people have waited years for him to release a new book but you got them doing that for just one chapter.......you really need to find a way to contact him so you can give him some tips from your expert playbook.

Oh, woe is me! I literally can't wait for the Celestia-Dexter meeting to happen, if simply for the drama.

Thats probably because I let people who want to read my draft of the next chapter read it simply by asking for it. Those that are still lurking have effectively read the next chapter they just want to know what's being kept and what I am taking out, becoming less about the story and more about the art of story writing.

Like the scene with Dexter meeting Celestia is being completely redone, and will ultimately take the story in a completely different direction.

Funny, my story isn't tagged drama.

So it is not dead yet? Good news!

Will the original scene be put in its own side story section or will it be gone forever?

I swear I can wait till the end of time for you to update your story but please don't make me.

the only reason i keep coming back to this website is to check if this story updated. i know you've been doing some major reworks of the chapter and i can wait. hope all is well. keep writing!

Please can I have read the newest
chapter I beg of you

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