• Member Since 11th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 42 minutes ago


A friendly hybrid from the naga folk. Dabbler digital artist and writter. A long, sturdy creature fond of food and industry. Beware of his hugs!

More Blog Posts14

  • 304 weeks
    Delay until Friday (Updated)

    Hello peeps!

    Sorry for the quick notice, but due to not finding time last week the next chapter will me moved to Friday.
    The chapter following that one will keep with the schedule ot Monday releases.

    Thank you for your patience.:ajsleepy:

    (Update: I've seen we've hit a milestone! I'll make the chapter a bit longer in celebration, so please bear with me :twilightsmile:)

    2 comments · 599 views
  • 309 weeks
    Publishing Schedule

    Hello there, dear readers! I've got a question for you, but first an update regarding the story.

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    6 comments · 583 views
  • 310 weeks
    1800 Milestone

    You are all absolute mad lads and I love you.

    5 comments · 601 views
  • 348 weeks
    Bad Writing, Or Blatant Misdirection?

    I've noticed a silent plague around the site and it's infecting a lot of stories. The process can be summed up as this:

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    3 comments · 710 views
  • 362 weeks
    Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!

    Inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfoONlYjFuc

    And now, I'll show myself out :trollestia:

    3 comments · 396 views

Publishing Schedule · 6:28pm Feb 18th, 2019

Hello there, dear readers! I've got a question for you, but first an update regarding the story.

I'm managing the Monday-Friday schedule pretty decently, having always a chapter done in advance at least in case of something happening IRL, but don't want to burn myself if I stumble on busy days one week (work and life have a pretty nasty tendency to do so from time to time), so I would like your opinion on it.

  • Keep the actual schedule: Mondays and Fridays will have a new chapter. Not much buffer but at least one chapter will be always ready.
  • 5-day play: It will give me more structured time frame, so more chapters could be done in advance, and leaving me more time for other things (like artwork, even if it's not story-related)
  • Weekly: One appointed day, one chapter. Like the last option but up to seven days. Good point of this beyond having more chapters done in advance is that the chapters can be expeted to come at a fixed day, unlike the last one.

I really want to know what you guys think about it. Even if I end changing the schedule the chapters will have the same length, since a pet peeve of mine it's seeing chapters with wildly different word count, and I find 2K to be a good size for short chapters, but if enough readers make a good point regarding longer chapters I'm open to think about it.

Thank you for your time, and thank you very much to all the new people that faved the story and started to follow me these last days. :twilightsmile:

Report Khenlos · 583 views · Story: The Slumber of Gaia ·
Comments ( 6 )

I'd be lying if I say I don't want any more chapters, more often... but the ideal schedule would be every week (at least in a practical sense and in my subjective, personal opinion). You can invest more time per chapter, to write and check upcoming chapters and, if you feel prolific at a given time, even prepare a bunch of finished ones as a buffer without worrying about milestones and such or drop a mega-chapter from time to time.

Well the best option is of course the one that fits you best, fewer chapters are better than no chapters. Personally, I kind of like the second option, if I'm understanding it right. It gives you time to get things squared away as you like them, and also keeps the chapters ticking along.

But really, I'm good with whatever you decide to do, this story is worth waiting for.

I feel that weekly updates will give us more content at better quality. We can certainly wait a bit more for that)

Hm. I'm afraid I don't know which option would be best; sorry.
Glad you've gotten some new readers and followers, though; congratulations. :)

I think that a weekly upload would be best. you get the time you need to make the chapters, and if you get hit by writers block, or something happens IRL that's keeping you from writing, as you said you'll have chapters ready for upload. keep up the good work good sir.

I've been following Starscribe for a while, and I think a weekly upload works best.

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