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[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Well OK, then... · 9:51pm Feb 8th, 2019

By PrincessColumbia

So after much trial, struggle, numerous panic attacks, sick cats (to be explained elsewhere at another time), etc., I finally have Chapter 9, Part 1 of Fission posted. At a completely new place to find it on the web, too!

I've come to the conclusion that I really like WattPad. It's not quite as good at community engagement with my fans as FiMFiction is, but it does have the virtue of being much less specifically focused. FiMFics are pretty niche, after all.

All that said, it's votin' time! In case you forgot, there's two more fics that I have to get some work done on before I can put anything related to The Swarm's interest up, and since one of those happens to be...zero chapters long, I was STRONGLY tempted to just write Chapter 1 and save the voting for later when I had more than one fic at the "single chapter" stage. It's been what feels like forever since I put things up for a vote, however, so without further ado; your candidates for this week's Fanfiction Friday poll:

  • Fallen Star - (My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic) Marines are trained to handle anything...but the training never accounted for being stranded, alone, on a world without even the rudiments of post-Industrial era tech, and no way home.
  • The Fastest Pony Alive - Ten years later, and Scootaloo still can't fly. She is, however, an absolute master of the scooter, and her daredevil attitude has helped her secure a niche market of delivering goods between the ground and the cloud cities of pegasii. After a day of deliveries, she stumbles upon a top-secret military experiment who's primary participant is none other than her lifelong mentor, Rainbow Dash. Thanks to an accident at the test site, she's exposed to an unprecidented level of magic, and she should have died. Somehow, though, she survives, and though she can't fly, she's now able to tap a force that even Rainbow Dash can barely touch, a force that imparts speed the likes of which has never been seen in Equestria or beyond. She now works as a force for good, and when someone needs help, she runs. "Run, Scootaloo...run!"

Same as last time, being behind the firewall at work right now means I can't set up the poll until tonight. I'll also be duplicating the poll for my Patreon supporters (sign up here) and...



...the poll is already up for patrons!

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