• Member Since 6th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen Apr 2nd, 2023

Cordial Nova

I tell lies for money.

More Blog Posts105

  • 254 weeks
    Arms and Armament

    So, I was catching up on some blog posts this morning, and happened upon one which discussed the way objects can reflect characters, and happened to use their choices of weapons as an example. Which set me off down the track of contemplating what, in Equestria's earlier and rather rougher pieces of history, might our favorite protagonists arm themselves with should such warlike preparations be

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    5 comments · 694 views
  • 264 weeks
    Color Coordination

    Given the full-spectrum range of coat and mane colors among Equestrian ponies, can you imagine the trouble planners of any sort of public event that needs a seating chart must have? Not only do they have to take into account all the same considerations that we do, but Earthly event planners don't have to worry about accidentally creating eye-wateringly bad color combinations by accident.

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    1 comments · 555 views
  • 283 weeks
    Military Controversy

    Is the basic earth pony military unit infantry, or cavalry?

    Please overthink as much as possible, then justify your answers.

    2 comments · 661 views
  • 284 weeks
    My E-Mail Informs Me That It Is National Unicorn Day

    It may (ha!) be unofficial, but nonetheless.

    3 comments · 497 views
  • 288 weeks
    A Few Words

    I've been conlanging some more, and since some of the words this time are of Advancedverse relevance, thought I'd drop a pointer here.

    1 comments · 452 views

Pinkie Pie Conquers North Korea · 6:23pm Jan 28th, 2019

...is today’s terrible crackfic idea, for those who like their interdimensional war porn.

This came about during a discussion of said country, and China as rising superpower, and the comment that in a country where boiled tree bark, grass, and on occasion recently deceased relatives have been considered viable food sources, the PLA could overrun the place with just its catering corps. Rolling across the border in food trucks, hurling rice cakes into the crowds, sort of thing.

Now, I ask you, is this or is this not a scenario tailor-made for the mass deployment of partillery? Roll out the party cannons, the rapid-fire cupcake mortars, the marshmallow mines and boiled-sweet bomblets, and it’s sugar highs in Pyongyang before teatime.

(Meanwhile, the Supreme Leader is dispatched to the special level of Tartarus reserved for party poopers and ponies who neigh at the theater.)

Someone write this. I need to read it.

Comments ( 4 )

Actually, it would turn out pretty sad, because I see two possibilities:

  1. The defenders do not trust the ammunition and do not engage in partying as a result. Pinkie is very sad.
  2. The defenders do trust the ammunition and engage in partying. Then they are promptly executed for treason. Pinkie wins, but she is still very sad.

That seems like the sort of thing that calls for reactivating Special Agent Sweetie Drops. The right candy in the right mouth at the right time can be worth a thousand revel railguns.

That's why she aims for the commissars first.

I like this idea.

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