• Member Since 6th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen Apr 2nd, 2023

Cordial Nova

I tell lies for money.

More Blog Posts105

  • 254 weeks
    Arms and Armament

    So, I was catching up on some blog posts this morning, and happened upon one which discussed the way objects can reflect characters, and happened to use their choices of weapons as an example. Which set me off down the track of contemplating what, in Equestria's earlier and rather rougher pieces of history, might our favorite protagonists arm themselves with should such warlike preparations be

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    5 comments · 694 views
  • 264 weeks
    Color Coordination

    Given the full-spectrum range of coat and mane colors among Equestrian ponies, can you imagine the trouble planners of any sort of public event that needs a seating chart must have? Not only do they have to take into account all the same considerations that we do, but Earthly event planners don't have to worry about accidentally creating eye-wateringly bad color combinations by accident.

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    1 comments · 555 views
  • 283 weeks
    Military Controversy

    Is the basic earth pony military unit infantry, or cavalry?

    Please overthink as much as possible, then justify your answers.

    2 comments · 661 views
  • 284 weeks
    My E-Mail Informs Me That It Is National Unicorn Day

    It may (ha!) be unofficial, but nonetheless.

    3 comments · 497 views
  • 288 weeks
    A Few Words

    I've been conlanging some more, and since some of the words this time are of Advancedverse relevance, thought I'd drop a pointer here.

    1 comments · 452 views

The Love Icosahedron Incident of 2974 · 4:18am Jan 8th, 2019

...was exactly what it says on the tin.

It turns out that there are some... issues... when the Alicorn of Love goes through puberty and the associated hormone-driven magic surges in the middle of a major city. My, that was fun to keep under wraps.

(There's now a special "In Case of Princess House" on a suitable remote island in the Great Celestial Ocean, because it would be even more fun to keep under wraps if, say, the Alicorn of Lust should turn up one day.)

Comments ( 5 )

Everypony involved in love with five others simultaneously? Goodness. At least the love geometry stayed at three dimensions.


Nopony had better explain mesh networking to Nightmare Heartache, that's all I'm sayin'.

(As a side note, while reading this comment I accidentally misread my "In Case of Princess House" and now I'm imagining the Alicorn of Healing as abrasive, limping, and compulsively snarky. I may need this.)

I've been in Ranma 1/2 groups (when I was young and psycotic) where the relationship maps started out at...madness and went from there. (The only thing I can remember is that they had to use blue when it was Boy Ranma, red when it was Girl Ranma, arrows and iconography to suggest in what way one character liked another and possible changes for the future, and they also included time travel and alternate universes. Say what you will about Avatar:The Last Airbender shippers, they don't deal in time travel. Mostly. I think.


(As a side note, while reading this comment I accidentally misread my "In Case of Princess House" and now I'm imagining the Alicorn of Healing as abrasive, limping, and compulsively snarky. I may need this.)

"Doctor House is..."
"An alicorn, yes. Ascended when he diagnosed the entire ER with just a lolipop and one question per patient."
"...Is it too early to start drinking heavily?"
"It just might be too late."


"...Is it too early to start drinking heavily?"
"It just might be too late."

That's what the other version of Star Swirl's Evening Before The Morning After is for.

Reading this comment chain by itself is hilarious. Say of that what you will.

So much yes.

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