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It has invaded · 8:28pm Dec 31st, 2018

Comments ( 15 )

Destroy it. It is the spawn of that is unholy, something mortal man was never ment to know.

Yes now everyone will know what Utahn's suffer through and how Carl's Jr. gives this out even when you specifically ask them not too.

It's like oil and water, they don't mix.

What I would say is that, if you are indeed going to bottle Aurora sauce, you call it by its proper name, rather than that "Mayochup".

so, what they put on every burger king whopper? or the base of russian dressing?

Does this count as shin updating a story before the end of the year?

There will be a story update Friday. Right now I'm working on a large project that will see fruit later in the coming year.

well, fruit trees do that . but what does that have to do with AGG book two

Aurora sauce is the base for Thousand Island dressing.

IS IT ? or is the other way around
thus proof of Canadian and Russian collusion?

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