Merry Christmas! · 7:45am Dec 25th, 2018
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Okay, full confession, I haven't made as much progress on my story as I would have liked. See, for my birthday, I got a new PS4 (As you'll recall, I'd dropped mine and got a Switch last year. Now I'm back on PS4) and copies of both Monster Hunter World and God of War, and anyone who has played either will tell you that once you get either of those, no one is going to hear from you for a while. Well, I've gotten every trophy on God of War, and I've beaten and/or farmed the snot out of Monster Hunter World. So, I should be up to writing again. I honestly feel like it was a good research experience: They did a surprising job portraying a society where giant carnivorous monsters are a thing and people have to keep them under control while at the same time not ruining the ecosystem by over-hunting. And unlike some game or literary worlds, the Monsters in Monster Hunter are considered natural creatures that make up their world's ecosystem rather than otherworld abominations that must be annihilated (Like in the Witcher: A lot of the monsters in that series originate from other worlds, making them more or less alien invaders). Mind you, there's Monsters that fall into the latter category in my story, but there's just as many, if not more, of the former, as well.
Regardless, I'm not going to try and nail down an exact date for when I'll start the story on Royal Road, but I do want you guys to know that I am still working at it. Anyway, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to all of you!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas and happy new years to you as well.