New EG Headcanon Thread · 7:47am Dec 24th, 2018
Just starting a new headcanon thread here for personal headcanon (previously shared or not), may or may not be periodically updated.
- Ditzy Doo and Flash Sentry are childhood friends.
- Shining Armor is NOT in a relationship with Principal Cadance.
- Trixie and Sugarcoat are cousins.
- Sour Sweet and the drum majorette from CHS are twin sisters but go to different schools for some reason.
- Juniper Montage goes to Crystal Prep.
I can see Trixie and Sugarcoat being cousins.
The Sour Sweet one could involve divorced parents.
Would you also place Armor into some role involving law enforcement or that he's studying for the career?
Not really? I mean I get where that headcanon comes from and literally EVERYONE uses it, but the Shining Armor we saw in Friendship Games is a smug, entitled Old Money Boy who still wears his freaking prep school blazer. I mean really.
I'll admit.....there's not enough evidence to really support the headcannon; if we saw more of him and that included some hints then maybe.
I don't think he really has the neck muscles for that, no.
... oh my god. EqG Shining Armor has no skills and will never amount to anything because he has no character, and serves only as window dressing so Candance can stand next to something pretty! Just like regular Shining Armor!
Oh good, not just me who thought that he gave off that vibe. I was going to add that it might be the reason he's not with Cadance.
Unlike Twi, he probably bought into Cinch's philosophy, since his only purpose in Friendship Games seemed to be her yes man to help pressure Twilight into joining the CP team. Though he probably still has some standards since Cinch shoo'd him from the room along with Cadance before she broke out the blackmail.
4984928 What about him as a lawyer/law student?
That's what I usually go with.
May I add to the pot? This can go into the relative category. Vinyl Scratch and Octavia are half siblings sharing the same dad.
Chrysalis is the drama teacher/school play director.
Lightning Dust and Indigo Zapp are cousins, but share a relative with Rainbow Dash somewhere in their family tree.
There is no holders boulder here, but its the name of the farm Pinkies parents own
Could be divorced parents in the style of Despicable Me 3 - each took a twin and they don't know about each other.
Edit: I'm sure the concept has been done elsewhere before, DM3 is just the first I can think of.
Parent Trap is probably one of the earliest versions of it.
If Shining Armor was in the previous Friendship Games, then he's not much more than 4 years older than Twilight; he's probably still in college. It would be really weird if Principal Cadance, an established adult, were dating a college student. (I'm sort of assuming standard American age ranges for the various tiers of school, but I doubt that ethical high school principals date recent-ish graduates anywhere else either.)
It's entirely possible they would get together sometime in the future once it's no longer creepy, but who knows? That's far from the most interesting thing happening in the EG world.
My headcanon is that the human version of Bon-Bon/Sweetie Drops changed her name because she's in witness protection. Her parents turned state's evidence against the Bugbear Mafia.
Less than that. At least Equestrian Shining Armor can claim to have helped sire the Destroyer of Worlds.
I’m not certain that’s something he should take credit for.
I mean, you know, unless she doesn’t manage to actually destroy... i-dea~!
It could be interesting that Shining Armor is not in a relationship with Cadance. In a supplementary material, Pinkie has a crush on him, and I’d like the idea of Cadance having a child with another father, and her daughter would be Skyla, instead of McFlurry
What is your idea?
Nope! No spoilers. But once Christmas is finished, I have some writing to do.
Hopefully, I’ll actually do it.
it's a teeny one, but I've always liked the idea of teen Marble being home schooled.
I've always gone with the idea that Chrysalis is the headmistress of the Equestrian Institute for Behavioural Modification (Nickname "The Hive" due to the stated goal of the Institute being to "Create the productive workers of the future"). The Institute is the "last chance" school that all the delinquents are sent to. Extremely tight security and restrictive rules and policies. You can get a detention for wearing cream-colored socks as opposed to the bleached-white the Institute requires.