• Member Since 19th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Night Frost 18

Lithuanian brony I never going offline because i think i forgot my password :)

More Blog Posts10

  • 144 weeks
    A broken Loyalty

    Those who try to hold on to their loyalty of family, friends and work.
    And failed, that's what happened.
    I have failed twice to mend their loyalties but humans are stubborn and stupid, never listening to the other side.

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  • 196 weeks
    A new beginning or a restart

    I dislike it. You know momments when you choose decisions and you choose those moments knowing they will stay with you until the moment.

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    0 comments · 90 views
  • 322 weeks
    The breaking moment is here

    Today I had one hard breading moment and everyone was worried but it was a dud so now I am grounded and I cannot go to college tomorrow and it was the only day for the week and college is freedom from home. Because I am not with a good standing of understanding with the family. But that was not that scared me. The reason that is because

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  • 396 weeks
    The moment is nearing

    This blog will be short but my moment is nearing about when i get the answers for my college it will show where my standing in the world will be.

    Just short while my brother just broke me with a simple sentence and i cried until a breaking point and that sentence translate into that i am a useless person.

    And he tells a truth i am a failure as a brother, a man and a human being.

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  • 415 weeks
    Please free my sins

    Every time I watch, read, learn and feel.
    And every time I wished to speak and share.
    But the road doesn't want me to be there.
    But I broke the first brony rule and that is to love and tolerate.
    On Monday I lied to a friend, made a cruel joke to a friend and left him on a lunch time.
    For the sins I have made to carry on my shoulders.

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The breaking moment is here · 3:52pm Dec 12th, 2018

Today I had one hard breading moment and everyone was worried but it was a dud so now I am grounded and I cannot go to college tomorrow and it was the only day for the week and college is freedom from home. Because I am not with a good standing of understanding with the family. But that was not that scared me. The reason that is because this world is what I thought of it. Article 13, Brexit, Trump and his make America number one and my place in this world. Many people have two sides or more just like Princess Luna and nightmare moon and those people do not want show the side they are scared of but what happens if they show themselves to their family and friends what happens. Do they get scared, ignore it or act that you are playing a joke. We won’t know for sure and that what scares me because I wish to see the world that many dreams of. No matter how long it takes. I do not know if people reads it and think “What a weirdo!” It is my choice and I want the people reads it.

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