The Ponest Dungeon · 9:18pm Dec 6th, 2018
Ok, update on my Darkest Dungeon fic. I’m 57k words into writing it , coming up on the end of the first arc. I’m hoping to get it all written before the new year, then have a few weeks for editing, then I’m going to release it in a huge block while I start working on the next arc. I’ve planned four total arcs, so it’s gonna be a biggie.
But the big news is that it’s goig to be coming out soon. Wheee. I’ve been working on some other smaller projects, just so I don’t get burned out on the big story there, so expect a few smaller fics to show up in the meantime, like S.M.I.L.E. and Bear It, I plan on doing a cuddle fic for Categoricalgrant’s contest when he posts that, and possibly a minific or two from the writeoff group.
But all the while, Ponest Dungeon is being written, slowly, gently, just how a life is taken... or... something. Thanks to everypony still waiting on it, just a little longer until it starts getting posted.
Did somepony make you that avatar?
Yes! has been posting on the Shameless Self Promotion Bureau about a commission sale for a while now. At her current prices, I couldn’t afford not to.
She looks so in need of that coffee. Is there a higher res version?
There is!
The Ponest Dungeon ... I'm not going to have to ... you know answer three questions or something to start reading it am I?
No. That’s for crossing the bridge of death.
write on