• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2012
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Starlight Jimmer

please no punterino Starlight Jimmer

More Blog Posts14

  • 323 weeks
    Cancelled my long abandoned stories (My Princess, My Godess, My Daughter)

    Hey guys,

    I'm sure most of you have forgotten, because I did, but I had two stories on "Hiatus", and I've now changed that to cancelled. I realised that I wasn't going to actually write anything any time soon, and so I thought I might as well cancel them, I may come back to them, probably not.

    Anyway, here's a basic summary of the rest of My Princess, My Godess, My Daughter:

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  • 323 weeks
    Cancelled my long abandoned stories (How the Twilight Sparkles and Bubbles)

    Hey guys,

    I'm sure most of you have forgotten, because I did, but I had two stories on "Hiatus", and I've now changed that to cancelled. I realised that I wasn't going to actually write anything any time soon, and so I thought I might as well cancel them, I may come back to them, probably not.

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  • 535 weeks
    The mane 6's cars

    Sup world,

    I love cars, a lot, so I've decided to find what (most likely) the main 6 would drive if they were in our world. I've put into consideration how much money I assume each character would have, their personalities, their families (do they need to drive anyone around), and their needs (jobs, amount of stuff they carry, etc.).


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  • 555 weeks
    Now, a message from our sponsers


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  • 556 weeks
    I'm sick! (cough for effect) Pt. 4!

    Yep! Here we are again! Some like my writing, so I apologize to that guy.

    "How are you sick this time?" I hear you groan.

    Well you see, this time it's a mental sickness, and no, I'm not in a loony bin, but I am suffering rather serious depression at the moment, and I barely have the energy to get out of the bed in the morning, let alone go to school, or write.

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Cancelled my long abandoned stories (My Princess, My Godess, My Daughter) · 1:22am Dec 6th, 2018

Hey guys,

I'm sure most of you have forgotten, because I did, but I had two stories on "Hiatus", and I've now changed that to cancelled. I realised that I wasn't going to actually write anything any time soon, and so I thought I might as well cancel them, I may come back to them, probably not.

Anyway, here's a basic summary of the rest of My Princess, My Godess, My Daughter:

The story of this was lighter then my other story. Basically, the twist was that alicorns are gods, and are, as a species, naturally dominant over ponies. Ponies naturally are submissive of alicorns, and vice versa. The three princess had all let themselves fall to their "evil" selves in secret (Nightmare Moon, Daybreaker, and something lust related for Cadence), and wanted Twilight to do the same. The story would progress with the three princesses trying to corrupt Twilight to embrace her "evil" side in the way they all had so she can be a dominant bitch as well.

Twilight would fight back against the princesses, but be unable to really do anything because if Twilight tried ti get help, the other princesses could easily convince anyone Twilight told that Twilight was talking nonsense.

The final twist would be that Twilight is actually the direct descendant of Furst, the god mother of the world, and it would be Twilight's task to become the next god of all things.

I gave this story up because I really didn't know how to get where I wanted to go, my writing ability simply wasn't, and probably still isn't, good enough to get the story in my head down into words. Also, upon writing down the plot 6 years (6 fucking years) after I first thought of it, I don't think it's quite as strong as I used to believe.

Anyway, 5 and a half years after this story was posted, I'm officially washing my hands of it.

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