I finally got around to finishing a cover for the story! Uhhhh also, if I seem really stupid when replying to a comment, like something I say goes over my head don't worry I just,,, always reply to comments, even if it's like 2AM and I'm about to pass out so I might not even register what you say very well pff
Just a little comparison and sneak peek into my complete rewrite of Purple Tears!! It's only on the sixth chapter, but ey that's... Chapter two or three of the old story? The further it gets the more it diverts from the original story though, so it'll be hard to compare it soon. With that said, here's a few chunks side by side!
I can confirm that, since I'm on chapter 6 now, I'll definitely be able to start releasing chapters once per week sometime during December, most likely starting on Christmas Break! This year, guys, it's gonna land this year! It's been what, two or three years since the original posted? I think you'll be very happy if you liked the old one to see the improvement with the new one! Although the old
It's more of a specific situation, but I thought I'd ask anyways! On my free time, when I get inspired (which isn't too often) I work on this little story idea that, in it's simplest, goes something like this:
Was sketching and came up with a pony! So I turned it into a little doodle. I still need to write more for Purple Tears heck. I imagine this design got denied because it looks just a little too,,, happy.
4976181 thanks! I definitely will. After I make myself write a few more chapters I might try out a few scene drawings with what the "official" designs I'd have for them would be! 4976426 nyehehe >:3c
4977979 4978273 hehe thanks! And yeah, it's definitely got that uh,,, spooky feel about it. Probably why the design got scrapped in the first place aha
4980724 Ah, well, not... Really? I was poking around at making a 'scrapped design' like... Purple Guy/Vincent/Will designed it and decided it was too creepy to use, like it was scrapped in the canon of the story! :0 This thing would terrify children I'd think, so he ended up making a cuter version.
Very nice design you have there looks really nice, keep it up.
^^ heehee
That’s a great design, creepy but smiley too...
I like it, has an eerie feel to it
thanks! I definitely will. After I make myself write a few more chapters I might try out a few scene drawings with what the "official" designs I'd have for them would be!
nyehehe >:3c
hehe thanks! And yeah, it's definitely got that uh,,, spooky feel about it. Probably why the design got scrapped in the first place aha
The design was scrapped?
Ah, well, not... Really? I was poking around at making a 'scrapped design' like... Purple Guy/Vincent/Will designed it and decided it was too creepy to use, like it was scrapped in the canon of the story! :0 This thing would terrify children I'd think, so he ended up making a cuter version.
ah, I see.