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Thanksgiving Gift For My Longest Readers / Rehashing An Iconic Scene From The Twilily Saga / Femme Fatale Commission Is Complete. · 7:04pm Nov 22nd, 2018

That's right, you read the title perfectly. Happy Thanksgiving, now I know this is not the time for presents, but since the Femme Fatale commission got completely so close to Thanksgiving I decided to give you all a present with the epic commission. I truly loved how the piece came out and if you happen to be also following N6023's work then you have already seen this piece. When I saw it I was filled with all kinds of inspiration and that what has brought about the recreation of the iconic scene that the commission is based on. So without further wait, here is Cassandra Eveningstar and her epic scene...


A vast war raged below the twisting tower as did a might battle tear apart the skies. Yet none of that was more painful to this lone woman then the echoing of her own footsteps through the scattered puddles of rain that had dripped onto the stairway. She continued her climb despite the slick floor and the thinning air pressure getting to her.

Sure she was suffering, but that was nothing when compared to everything leading up to this very moment. She knew this day would come, she knew she would have to face Mother soon enough. Mother Cassandra Eveningstar, the evil that had ripped apart the world she once knew.

Memories over all the pain she had witnessed this demon of nightmares bring on her friends and family were almost too much for her to handle. She needed to end this, now; not just for the ones around her but everyone else in this world.

A great roar behind her halted her from taking the final steps. She regretted looking back for only a second. The voice was of her mentor... The sounds of his pain-filled breath. It made her mind flashback to where her journey began.

Where she stared down at a massive crater. The crater that had taken the greatest thing from this world. Rage filled her eyes. "... you died that day so they could live. You gave everything for them... and me. Now I will avenge you."

The woman turned forward with more determination than ever. Time moved so much fast as before she knew she was now at the top of the tower.

The top of the tower was covered in darkness as it always was. With no Sun or Moon it was always impossible to see what lied at the top of the tower from a distance, but now closer then anyone had ever gotten and everything was still unclear.

The woman gritted her teeth and shouted at the darkness. "Cassandra, your reign ends here!"

"Oh does it?" An alone soft voice echoed outward. The woman's eyes went wide on pure reaction, or at least that what she thought at first. The voice yet altered by the dark magic of Mother felt so vaguely familiar to the woman.

"Where... are you?" She felt a hitch in her throat. A distinct fear she couldn't place. Something deep inside her was telling her that something was very, very wrong here.

"You remind me so much of the hero they all idolized." Mother gave no answers on destination, but the woman could gather now that voice was certainly coming from the top of the tower. The same place she was, but she still couldn't see her.

The woman took in a deep breath and walked forward. The faint glow of her red katana being the only source of light on her side. The floor was crystal like the rest of the tower but was a more of a maroon color than the purple that had covered the rest. She kept walking, searching for more clues until she tripped.

Catching her footing she found a long chain leading to the center. She followed it until she came upon a frail weakened old lady, barely clothed at all. The woman brought her light over to the face only for her rage to fade. "...Luna. What are you doing here?" She reached over to the face of the old lady before her own face went so pale. "No wait... you are the body Cassandra is always wearing."

"Not... anymore." The old lady could barely speak. With her frail hands, she struggled toward the woman. "Please, you have to leave. You above all cannot see this. You above all cannot defeat her..."

"Her? Where is Cassandra? How did you break free from her control?" The woman knocked her away.

"I didn't... she let me go to... search for more hosts--"

"I think we have heard enough." Mother's voice returned with more ferocity

The woman moved away from Luna and saw that the chain continued to the far end of the tower. The shadows of a throne could now be seen. "Finally... this ends."

"No... Twilight..." Luna reached out in vain.

Yet it was too late as lightning struck in the distance fill the area with light. Though the strike only lasts for a second for Luna, for Twilight it lasts a pure eternity as she finally saw who was sitting on the throne.

Her hand drop and the katana floated downward as time slowed to a screeching halt. From the raindrops to the pebbled tossed up by the strike, everything around Twilight was frozen. Her mind could only process what she was seeing in slow motion, yet her face was beating her to the punch.

Utter confusion filled the woman's entire being. And yet tears fell down her face and her mouth moved on it's own. Syllables floated forward, words that her mind refused to ever accept.

Finally, her katana slammed on the ground bringing her back to reality. Her knees gave out and she dropped down. "No... it can't be you... You're dead..."


"Yes, it is her." Mother moved the hands over the body before them returning them back to their original positions. "I took the one they all cared for most... that you cared for most and made her mine. You can continue to call me Cassandra Eveningstar or you can call me Nightmare Midnight."


Cassandra's epic theme music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFQkkFLUL4I

Comments ( 2 )

You brought me to tears last time with original scene, but now that you have expanded it with better grammar and more gravitas… you ripped out my heart!

Thank you, but the artist N6023 deserves a lot of the credit since his piece inspired so much out of me.

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