• Member Since 8th Nov, 2016
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The grey mare: not good news... · 7:35pm Nov 7th, 2018

Oh, bollocks...

Well, we were having some trouble with weeping and discharge from the incisions (still stitched up) and had the vet out again just to double check as it was a different colour to the nasal discharge that started the whole problem. It seemed to go away after we ramped up the bute (anti-inflammatories) but has returned as soon as the double bute dose was stopped, although she is acting perfectly like herself all through this.

I'm worried, though I can't help but feel I've passed that point of exhaustion that I can't even feel genuinely tired anymore. Just everything seems like stress and worry at the moment and I solely want her to be well and healthy again.

We've taken her back for xrays today as, after the bute was stopped, a different nasal discharge has presented itself, although it's a lot more watery and more yellow than the original one. I'm hoping that it is surgery related and due to inflammation, considering how it reared its head after the bute course stopped, but I'm fucking bricking it that she's going to have to go to another clinic further away for a CT scan, which, while non-invasive and a very easy procedure for a horse to undertake standing, costs a shitload of money.

Considering that I'm at £2700 for this insurance claim so far (yes, really - the surgery costs and drug costs are what have killed me), I don't think insurance will cover much more than a CT scan if further treatment is required - but the scan would at least show where the fluid is coming from. That total so far doesn't include what we had done today (xrays etc) to find this issue so, yeah... I'm very glad I didn't go for a £3000 limit on my insurance and, at least, have the higher one. I have emergency funds but Raz has talked me off the ledge as he, luckily, has a couple of credit cards with higher limits that we can use and move about carefully, if needed, to ensure we don't pay any interest while paying off the balance later - that's if we even need them to begin with.

Trying not to panic too much about that but feeling pretty numb as I'm writing this out, just don't think, as I said, I can feel tired anymore when I'm just this tired. It's not as if she's got to have serious surgery on her gut or any leg fractures: it is treatable in the head and sinuses. I am hoping it all points to inflammation but we're waiting to hear back this week from a specialist in dental and sinuses as to how we proceed. If diagnosed and advised inflammation, we blast it with bute or steroids, whatever they give me for her, and allow the site of surgery to heal. If not... Well, to the CT scan it is.

Thank you for being patient with me during this time. I'm trying to keep up with uploads as much as possible (slackening off doesn't exactly help the money situation) but I know my communication is coming in chunks these days. I am here, I promise, and I will get back to you ASAP (just doing e-mail list tonight, in fact).

If you'd like to help out in any way, could you please spread the word that I am open for commissions and, of course, have the erotic eBooks for sale also? If you fancy something yourself, I'll of course be exceptionally grateful for the continuing work to keep us going!

Commissions: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6968084/
Please message me if you do not also use this site - rates begin at 25 GBP per 1000 words!

Erotic eBooks (Kindle): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K4XNBYY
(Click on author name to view more)

Erotic eBooks (Smashwords): https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/ArianMabe

PayPal: amethystmare@hotmail.co.uk
E-mail: arianmabe@gmail.com

I appreciate the support while we're trying to set her right in good health once more, although it's by far not the easiest time.

Thank you.


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