Chapter Update · 3:15am Oct 25th, 2018
My entire experience with Emerald Fires in a Nutshell.
Hello, my lovely little roaches. Itsa me, oregano. Just started writing chapter 21 for Emerald Fires, hoping to get 2 chapters finished by Christmas, but its more likely I'll only get on. I'm rather disappointed with myself this year. I USUALLY pump out 6 chapters a year, and what do I do? 2 this year so far. TWO!? TWO!!!
Of course, I've been having some shit go down in my life here as of late. A LOT of changes about to happen, which might get in the way of my writing. But one thing I am not is a quitter. Far too many stories I've read with joy on this site only for them to be prematurely ended. But not me, no.
I finish what I start. I'm obsessive that way. Yes, I AM a madman.
Besides, if I stop now, how would any of you ever get to read Act 3, the part of the story I've been wanting to tell the MOST, DAY ONE, ever since I started this story 4 years ago? Hmm???
Shameful. Absolutely shameful.
I can greatly relate to that image, or at least, I used to; at some point I was able to gather the courage to write a fair amount, even if I take my sweet time with chapters.
MY problem is more general laziness or work getting in the way. When I actually START to write something though I'm like a train
Ah, I'm usually lazy, but my schedule is anything but busy 99% of the time. My issues were generally because of anxiety, or the lack of inspiration to write any large amount of words.
I've never had problems with anxiety, mostly just frustrations with the stupidity of my peers. I hear you, I'm busy most of the time, not that my father seems to consider any of it important. College? Who needs it? We gonna get us a country house!
Living rural is pretty good, almost nothing ever happens where I live.
The last big thing was an overturned truck that got into a ditch (To my knowledge nobody was injured) over a year or 2 ago.
Burning trucks? Time to BBQ
The fuel never ignited, or my house could have burned down lol
well that's good