Pretence Chapter - Upload now, or wait? · 9:19pm Sep 14th, 2018
Hey guys, just a quick question. I have a chapter almost entirely finished, but my friend & editor Taranasaurus is having a bit of a busy time, and so haven't had time to help the last couple weeks.
So I want to ask you guys, if you want the chapter uploaded, even if it's not 100% edited (we had a first sweep, waiting for the second), or if you would rather wait however long it takes until Tarana is no longer busy, and has time to go through it? It's up to you guys.
- Kapuchu!
Better to wait and make sure your ducks are in a row imo
You might as well hold off until you can put your best foot forward.
I've waited this long, I can wait a bit more knowing it's almost done.
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Alright, I'll wait until Taranasaurus is ready to once more comb through my horse words!
I'm really sorry for the wait, by the way... No real excuses. I've simply been too bloody lazy to get anything done. Sorry
Least your honest about it.