094 Celebration: Chestnut Takes EQD! · 2:59pm Sep 9th, 2018
094 Celebration: Chestnut Takes EQD!
tl;dr - yes, that happened, and here’s the link to a post on Equestria Daily. Yay!
A now a couple of thoughts in that regard.
So, it happened yesterday. I was minding my own business when I noticed a bunch of notifications revolving OLAC and its side-stories. Indeed, those have been coming for the recent past few days - enough to notice, but not too many to shock - but I thought it was the result of summer holiday ending and fandom returning from vacation.
Then I thought: “Huh, maybe someone blogged about it or something?”, so I ran a Google search of the story’s title. I do that periodically with some of my stories to learn if there are people I should cordially thank for featuring me.
Equestria Daily has always been like the high society of the fandom. Chestnut, you did it again!
Imagine my surprise when one of the fresher search results led me to Equestria Daily, or more specifically to a post from September 4th. Aha! So that’s what happened and why there was an influx in notifications. After a moment, it hit me like a truck: “Wait, so THAT’S what happened!”. I have to say, I did not expect that, because the last time I actually submitted OLAC to EQD, June 2016, the story was rejected.
I would like to emphasize here that I agreed with their judgment back then because what they pointed out was reasonable, and it made sense to fix those issues (the response was respectful and professional, contrary to what I, and probably many of you have heard of their rating process in the past).
Anyway, I don’t think I ever really sat down to addressing the issues they pointed out, as it was already after my January 2016 rewrite, so the story was in its best possible state at that time. I also never submitted it again, so my surprise was that much greater. In other words, I’m not sure why it appeared on EQD now of all times - someone else submitted it, someone influential read it and liked it, or perhaps they ran out of stories to post? It’s a mystery, and I’m content keeping it as such.
The purpose of this chart is to distract you from lengthy blocks of text and thus help you relax.
So what does it mean to the chestnut-shaped stories we’ve been reading and re-reading since 2013? It means that I have additional motivation to do what I’m doing anyway - namely writing Merry Chestnut and a Happy New Fleur where there’s at least one chapter left, likely two - and that one additional story featuring Chestnut and Luna will get published at some point in the future. Beyond that, I can’t tell. The end will happen eventually, but by the time it comes, the questions you may have about the characters will have been answered.
Thank you all for years of support (years - how awesome it that?), and I hope you will continue to enjoy my stories.
Well done!
What in the world?
Thanks! And thank you for setting up the TVTropes page all that time ago. If the referrals list on the story is any true, it’s the second biggest source of redirections, after organic Google (excluding FIMFiction itself).
I know, right? I guess it’s one of those great secrets of the universe!
You're welcome! Though I haven't updated it in ages.
Well I obviously can’t ask you to do it, and I guess that since I’ve never been too familiar with the workings of the site we’ll just leave it be, and that’s fine. That said, if opportunity arises and I can be of any help, let me know.
Anyone else may help also.