• Member Since 19th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen January 10th



More Blog Posts147

  • 338 weeks

    It's been awhile (a few years)

    Basically I lost interest in the mlp fandom, moved back in with my parents, moved out again, took lsd, moved back in with my parents (who now treat me a lot better), had an existential crisis and became Schizophrenic. I also found out I'm MtF trans so... Things have been hectic.

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    6 comments · 417 views
  • 463 weeks
    New Equestria+Test Cover Art

    All credit goes to: http://amalgamzaku.deviantart.com/ What do you think guys?

    4 comments · 576 views
  • 464 weeks
    Explaining Inactivity

    First off, I do apologize for the on again off again activity. I've been dealing with the stress of moving out recently, not to mention all the shifts I've been picking up at work. I didn't even have WiFi when I first moved in and I just now got it. Definitely try and finish up a chapter today, I do apologize for the wait.

    0 comments · 485 views
  • 467 weeks
    I got a laptop

    I finally got a laptop and I'm moving out in a few days so... Writing should move along a lot faster since I don't have to get up early and bike to the library to get any writing done anymore.

    2 comments · 494 views
  • 470 weeks
    Work Schedule

    I've had a little bit of a harsh work schedule this week (5 graveyard shifts in a row) so it's enabled me unable to get up on time and actually write anything until today. I intend to take full use of my three days off and will try to be up and writing every single morning. I can't keep setting deadlines for myself but I do promise that right now I am working on Equestria + Test and I hope to get

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    0 comments · 458 views

Resurrection? · 9:55pm Aug 18th, 2018

It's been awhile (a few years)

Basically I lost interest in the mlp fandom, moved back in with my parents, moved out again, took lsd, moved back in with my parents (who now treat me a lot better), had an existential crisis and became Schizophrenic. I also found out I'm MtF trans so... Things have been hectic.

I'm interested in getting into writing again and I'm thinking I should start by finishing my older projects. What stories you all dying for me to continue? I'm unsure about which story to start on.

Report Shukawarioserfi · 417 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Glad to hear from you again. To be honest, I kinda forgot about Equestria+Test, so if you want to start writing, I'm up for that.

Nice to see you again after so long I tried to keep in touch with you a few times, I hope we can talk some more again soon. for your offer of request to continue some of your stories I would love to see more of equestria + test again but I think that is dead in the water by now, but I would love to see if I were to ask for Applesauce or Spellbinding Suitor which I though were hilarious. Hope to hear from you again soon. Also I hope things will go better for you enough to settle now. Good luck.

Yo, nice to hear from you we never actually talk but I did the cover art for that story if you recall, I hope to hear from you on that front.

Yeah it would be difficult to keep Equestria+Test going seeing as I would definitely have to watch Baka+Test again. I might end up starting with Applesauce.

I have one story I wish you would finish Faimly of chaos

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