Plans for the future · 12:51am Aug 12th, 2018
I read on another site that FiM is officially ending sometime next year, and then there will be at least one more official movie, followed by Generation 5 in 2020. I will definitely give G5 a chance, and the rumors about making earth ponies “more interesting” sound somewhat promising. I already think they're fascinating, but maybe everyone else will finally realize how fascinating they are. OTOH, it's possible that earth ponies will lose some of their appeal to me if I have less room to imagine what they can do.
In any case, the fact remains that I have a few fanfiction concepts that would not work with the “reimagined” Mane Six. This means that I have to get serious about prioritizing my fanfic projects, so I can get the important stuff out before G4 ends.
So, as of now, my priority is:
- “Earth Ponies Are Overpowered” Sequel (“Earth Ponies Are Blessed with Suck”)
- Finishing “So You Escaped From Limbo”
- Continuing “Applejack Fixes Everything”*
- Continuing “Temporary Apple”**
I also have an idea for a short Equestra Girls fic that I'm putting on the back burner, since I have yet to hear about EG ending.
Stay tuned for more details about “Earth Ponies Are Blessed with Suck.”
And don't worry, I'm making copies of all my documents.
* I make no promises about finishing it, but I've been sitting on an unfinished chapter, and it seems a shame not to finish that chapter, at the very least.
** I'll probably work on this only when I have writer's block on one of the more important stories.
It's not like the window will close for G4 once the next wave starts, but more Maran-words are always welcome.
Aw, thanks.
I think I'm mostly concerned that I'll lose interest in G4 once there are no new episodes, though.
I am glad to hear that you feel refocused. I do hope you do not lose interest in G4 once it is over for I do enjoy your writing style and stories you create. Good luck with your stories and good luck with not having any issues like the recent one you had.
Thanks for your kind words.
I am going to say don't fully buy that yet Hasbro hasne't said it themselves.
That's true. Things are still subject to change.
yeah I am not really part of your fandom. But I was part of the digimon fandom and the same sillyness was talked about the fandom is dying and all this.
G4 will always be in our hearts!