• Member Since 29th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen January 30th

Circut Breaker

sombra didn’t do a half bad job of it

More Blog Posts49

  • 312 weeks
    The End Of FIM

    My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic will end with a ninth season. You know about this, don’t lie. But have faith, for we the fandom are too big a cash cow to go unignored. Go to conventions. Write fanfictions. Draw. Debate the show like it’s the Torah. Keep this fandom alive across the dead wastes of interseries, and maybe we’ll get out after forty years. FIMFiction will need a new name, but we

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    0 comments · 411 views
  • 316 weeks
    Just finished S8

    (Washouts on, jsyk)

    Things I liked:
    The confirmation that Scootaloo is, ah, aero-impaired
    Twilight Doublesparkle
    Autumn Blaze
    a certain glowy inaudible “you just fucked with the wrong motherfucker”

    0 comments · 409 views
  • 317 weeks
    The Discord Exclusion Clause

    Discord must never be all of the following:
    1) at full power
    2) willing to act
    3) on the protagonist's side

    0 comments · 370 views
  • 325 weeks
    [Inception Noise]

    I just saw some Project Horizons fanfiction.

    For those keeping track, that’s fanfiction of fanfiction of fanfiction.

    0 comments · 313 views
  • 340 weeks
    A Double Episodic Rant On S8E14-15

    Just reminding everyone that Twilight’s school is operating illegally. Doing illegal things like threatening abduction.

    Putting aside Trump University jokes, Flim and Flam actually picked a good way to go about this. Hire some actual professors, and pay for the University with profits from the casino.

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A Double Episodic Rant On S8E14-15 · 10:23pm Aug 5th, 2018

Just reminding everyone that Twilight’s school is operating illegally. Doing illegal things like threatening abduction.

Putting aside Trump University jokes, Flim and Flam actually picked a good way to go about this. Hire some actual professors, and pay for the University with profits from the casino.

If there’s a problem, just sue Neighsay and any others for corruption or prejudice.

It’s kinda Twilight’s fault for failing to offer classes that are structured for adults. Bad business.

Wait, Purple Smart charges tuition? Can’t she use tax mon-oh wait, right, school’s not legal.

Uh, Captain Racism? There’s both wrong about her asking Starswirl to come to her school. From what I can tell, he’s not staff, and not integral to the operation of the school. If he is, that’s a problem.

Also, you’d think Swirlyboi would raise eyebrows at the racism.

Holy shit Starswirl is actually integral to the operation of the school. You guys want an upside-down flag to go with that house of cards?

You know, Flim and Flam aren’t wrong. This is pretty clear-cut corporate spying.

Get a warrant instead. Flim and Flam are probably wanted for fraud and embezzlement somewhere.


Okay, props for the vault. That’s good.

Technically it’s not a scam, it’s just a subdivision of the resort’s corporate entity that’s rather morally gray. I think.

Rarity practiced that trick in the mirror for months.

That’s why you don’t bullshit one of the most famous historical figures ever.

Why didn’t you buy the building for Friendship School West? While I would like to say it’s because that school is still illegal, it’s probably because Twiggles wouldn’t be able to find staff.

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