• Member Since 17th Sep, 2014
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Orbiting Kettle

I've roasted a wealth of exotic things, All torn to ribbons at the hands of kings. Polished copper how I proudly shone, stealin' the fire of the blazing sun.

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A thanking thing for GalaCon · 7:47pm Aug 5th, 2018

Almost a week has passed since I returned from GalaCon, and I've agonized over this post ever since.

It has been a wonderful experience, a blast, and a vacation I absolutely needed even if I didn't know it. How could I render justice upon this fantastic four days? A report? A slightly storified narration? A tongue-in-cheek recollection of salient events?

Well, there are others that are doing that already, and most certainly better than me. So I intend to celebrate what made this whole thing really special for me, the wonderful people I met.

It may seem like I'm buttering them up. This is wrong. They are at least as wonderful as I make them out here.

Archonix and his beard were a solid and fatherly presence. They (he and the beard) gave the impression of sanity even when flinging a Derpy plushie through the room. I wanna be like that when I grow up.

Carabas, my trusted editor and generally wonderful wordsmith, was a blast to meet. Soft-spoken, sharp, and enthusiastic when pouring others something to drink, finally getting to know him in person has been quite the experience.

The damned Dane Cursori, whom I first met at the con, and who was a splendid conversation partner.

GhostOfHeraclitus, who knows far too much for his apparent age. There's something murky right there. Oh, it's also a pleasure to simply listen to him talk about a wide and pretty eclectic selection of themes, jumping effortlessly from one to another.

I didn't know what to expect when I met Knighty, just that it was, somehow, all his fault. Now I know that it still is all his fault, but that he is a wonderful person to hang out with too.

Lise Eclaire who can talk a lot about some specific themes, and it's well worth listening to him. Flinging ideas around was quite fun, and he has been a gracious guest that will always be welcome chez-moi.

Mrs Kettle, my wife, whom I didn't meet there. I still have to thank her for enduring and humoring me. And not just at the con.:heart:

Pearple Prose was an awesome guest and a fantastic partner when discussing stories and throwing ideas around. He also wrote a pretty comprehensive chronicle of the whole thing. And he will too always be welcome at my home. He also gifted me a Chrysalis plushie which is right now sitting on my monitor and judging me.

Professor Plum is strangely photogenic. Not because he is aesthetically unpleasant (they are all beautiful people) but because he seems to always get caught on photo with his best profile. He also detailed the events and shared a copious amount of pictures.

Skywriter is collected, calm, and made me squee a lot inside when he told me he liked my stories. It is a strange moment when you meet in person somebody who appreciates the things you write, and it gave me a lot of energy to continue telling stories.

I hadn't much time to interact with SR Foxley, but the few occasions I had were a pleasure.

TheMaskedFerret was exactly as lovely and fun as I expected, and she really helped to keep everyone together and make the most out of the limited time we had. We also owe Mrs. Kettle's nickname (that being Mrs. Kettle) to her.

Garth doesn't have a Fimfiction account, so no link. Still, tlaking about the history of our respective homelands in a park in Ludwigsburg around midnight was an interesting and extremely entertaining experience.

Thank you all, guys. Let's hope to see you all soon.

Comments ( 4 )

:heart: So lovely to meet you, my dude.

Meeting you was an absolute blast in turn, and I'm not just saying that because of the bottles of beer you bestowed upon the company on Sunday. :raritywink:

It was the best, especially the part where we shared kitty pictures.

It was great meeting you! Thanks for being a part of what made the weekend special!

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