Bronycon 2018 · 3:21am Aug 1st, 2018
Another bronycon has come and gone... And with it, another sad case of PCD. Sure this year was filled with epic failures, PITA group members who should have read the rules and of course, breakdowns. But overall, I am happy I went for my 5th year. Word has it that the con is closing down after the 2019 con happens, but they are doing a 4 day con at least. It's surreal, it feels like just yesterday that i watched my first episode and now we are seeing cons coming to a close, the fandom showing down and people losing interest. But I don't care about any of that, I have grown as a person because of MLP and I have made some of the best friends a guy could ask for because of the cons. Here is hoping that 2019 will be a blow out!
Yeah hopefully next year I'll get a dance for the gala and not be waltzing by myself in the corner. Here's to 2019!