My official apology to everyone who wanted chapters less than 15k words in length. (Tiny Spoiler) · 9:04am Jul 30th, 2018
The worst part isn't that I have to proof-read it.
The worst part isn't that I have to edit it for story/character consistency.
Make it as long as you need. I don't mind losing a day XD
I for one welcome the challenge!
I am so excited!! Cannot wait (but willing to) for when you update. Looking forward to reading it.
I'd honestly rather have the chapter be as long as you can make it, given how long it's been since I finished the last chapter. And besides, you can always do what I do when I have a super lengthy chapter.
Cut it in half and release it as two chapters. Boom, problem solved. You might have to do some finagling so that it doesn't feel like the chapter just suddenly cuts off, but I've found that isn't too hard to do normally.
You might feel otherwise, but hey, that's just my suggestion.
I mean you could split it in multiple parts, if you want/can?
Take as long as you need. If the preview is any indication it will be well worth the wait.
I prefer longer chapters. Don't mind waiting a bit if it means more story per chapter.
Meh. The longest chapter I've read was 66K. I don't you plan on making it that long right?
I'll get some snacks ready when reading.
Why short chapters? No need to pander specifically to people who hate reading. Bring on the 40-80k word chapters!
I like it, longer chapters are fun. I can wait.
Preach it!!!
You haven't finished the thing, and thus aren't posting it yet. I can understand that. You want it to be up to standard. So do I. I'd rather read a good long chapter than a poor short one.
That said, at 27k words, you indicate you're not finished yet. Now that's not a spoiler, that's just teasing. Now this chapter is going to be stuck in my mind every time I visit FimFic, and find it's not yet posted.
*anticipation is building*
Good lord man. I want to scold you and tell you that's bad! But I can't. Cause I want it. I want it really badly. But I have also seen what a rushed chapter usually means. Messy and not nearly good enough for the creator or the reader. We've all waited this long. We can all wait a little longer.
Light reading, friend. Light reading.
I hope you're enjoying writing it. I don't mind long chapters, heck reading a nice long chapter with some BMG on is fun.
Do you use Grammarly it might help with small errors, I personally just copy and past an already completed chapter into it and let it find all the errors.
I might just do that, It will break down the proof reading and editing parts into reasonable chunks for the poor volunteers who offer to proof-read / edit.
My god. It’s full of words!
What show is the gif from?
I thought this story was abandoned, it's been so long
I have no idea. I just know that it's awesome.
Oof, press F to pay respects
I don't know how many or how vocal your crowd is in asking for less than 15K per chapter. It is certainly not me. I understand the value in brevity in writing but I am not picky about it, especially when this story has really earned its length because the story has been very captivating. I anxiously await the next chapter and have no doubts it will be great at any length.
huh? why not release it and just edit it while the readers point out the grammar or punctuation mistakes. Just saying no disrespects
Also, I just now noticed that little bit at the bottom, right where it cuts off. Such a heartfelt curse for such a lil feller, lmao. (Though, thinking about it, "buck" doesn't really strike me as all that severe of a curse in their vernacular, considering what it actually means in their culture. The only reason it caught on was because it rhymed with the popular expletive from our own perspective; the next best equivalent, besides simply just using the word itself instead of a cheap substitution along the same lines as "fudge" and "duck", would be "rut", I'd imagine. It even kind of sounds nastier, almost... very crude, almost primal terminology...)
I can't wait!
It takes a lot of energy to go back and edit old chapters. I have seen many authors give up completely on their stories if they do so.
Keep going, you can do it, just snag some of us for editing when you think you're ready, I'll start
After a year and a half without an update, it's the least we deserve.
Still up for editing.
But 27k words and counting...surely there is a scene transition that works for a chapter split? I don't mind big chapters myself, but then I've never edited before either, so...ultimately I don't care I guess, just means it'll be an all day thing.
Not like I have a paying job anyway. :(
Damn, each chapter you release is progressively longer. Not sure why tho. lol
Probably a natural progression thing, as one comes into one's own with a particular skill. It could also signify a personal enjoyment of the project; the more into something one is, the more likely one is to get a little carried away! Case in point, the current issue they seem to be having...
Hey, now, they're doing this for free, and possibly because they themselves enjoy it. They don't owe us anything, not one whit, so there's no call for acting so entitled.
It was meant as a lighthearted comment. No need to act like a white knight.
Maybe learn to adjust your tone better, and it would have been seen as such. No need for the childish attitude.
He made a poorly worded comment and you overreacted.
I fail to see how what I said constitutes an overreaction, considering I didn't blow up all over the place like the phrase warrants. His response certainly doesn't help his case, either. But then, I don't feel obligated to take either of you very seriously, from initial impressions of the both of you, so I'm going to wash my hands of your lot and drop the subject for now. I doubt the author needs or wants any petty squabbling in their comments section about some ridiculous "he said, she said" nonsense, anyways.
Please don't argue.
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Unfortunately, I initially interpreted JBL's comment the same way Neg did. I get that it was meant sarcastically, but that is difficult to communicate in text; and the onus for communicating correctly is usually on the speaker/author. That is why it is my responsibility to correct typos or re-word my stories if the readers come off it thinking or interpreting something incorrectly.
I didn't respond myself to the comment when I first saw it because I wanted to avoid an argument. However, an argument seems to have occurred anyway.
I seem to be close to finishing the chapter now, would any of you be interested in proof reading it for me on google docs?
Sure, I ma not super great at grammar, but I can try to help.
Oh, absolutely. Do you mean now, or later, though? Because I'm not sure how useful I'd be right now when I haven't had adequate rest. In any case, though, I'll try my best. Do you just need spelling check, or do you need a general spelling and grammar sweep? I can't promise I'm the best at the latter, but I do sometimes know how to word things better to make them easier to understand. Or, easier for me to understand; I'm not sure about anyone else because I've never proof/beta read anything before... hm...
And I'm sorry things got so out of hand; I tend to take offence easily, and the comment kind of hit me the wrong way, I suppose. It's like you said; if one is not very careful, it is very easy to have one's message misconstrued over text-based mediums.
its fine. I am not finished with the chapter so definitely not now. Moreover, When I do ask for help it'll go one for like three days as everyone gets around to proof reading on their own time. you dont have to be a grammar wizard. Just giving me feedback on the story is good enough.
Why not split the chapter in half?