"The Secret of Monkey Island" or "How to Write an Engaging, Yet Pointless, Story." · 2:44am Jul 16th, 2018
So, I have not played The Secret of Monkey Island (it was before my time), but this video talking about Bothe the story, game design, and characters is one of the most fascinating things I have ever seen. Though I find all of it great, I think the first part on theme is the best. I can't think of a story in any medium where the protagonist has little to no effect on the plot. Not in the "it was all for nothing" kind of pointless, or the "I played a small and unnoticed but important role" but literally "if I had sat there and done nothing, things would've turned out almost exactly the same." I find this idea fascinating and I'd really like to be directed to story where something similar happens.
Also, I think "Cheerful Nihilism" would be a great username.