• Member Since 15th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen Sep 19th, 2020


im genderfluid guys, if anybody reads this. guess ill find out.

More Blog Posts86

  • 262 weeks
    so, pony.town

    so, i know i have done pony.town in the past, but i cant now sadly, its blocked on my cb. however, there is another website i can access called picrew.me that i can access. its not pony related but i would be happy to make human persons of ocs or whatever else yall want me to design. what do you guys think? also anybody notice my new profile message thing?

    4 comments · 236 views
  • 262 weeks
    im so sick and dead right now

    my throat hurts a little, im congested, every time i cough my head throbs with pain, and im tired. but i can wear my sweatshirt and get out of doing things so thats nice. also, would anyone like me to post pictures of my plastic canvas stitchings on here? some of them are mlp and quite a few are designs stolen from Lucky Ness's

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    0 comments · 182 views
  • 263 weeks
    so um, im not dead i promise

    i exist and im back for who knows how long. weird thing happened though, i have a notification icon thingy but no notification and so i guess ghost notification? i dunno hi every people that missed me (probably nobody)

    6 comments · 202 views
  • 284 weeks
    i left but im back online now

    not that anyone probably noticed, but i kinda stopped checking the site for a while, it wasnt very long, only a month or so, but im back now. no, i havent finished the pony.town stuff from before, but maybe ill actually go do that soon, who knows.

    0 comments · 203 views
  • 308 weeks
    so i learned that i have aphantasia

    no, im not dying, its harmless. it just means that i cant see things in my "minds eye" i can describe things and how i think of them looking like, but i cant see them in my head. i thought it was normal but then as i was in the depths of youtube i found this:

    so yeah, thats a thing.

    3 comments · 266 views

Hello humans · 3:10am Jul 2nd, 2018

I'm not dead! (Yet) I just felt like making a blog post I dunno. Ask me questions I guess? Or pony.town suggestions. Yes, ask me stuff or tell me something to make on pony.town please.

Report lunarderpy1 · 200 views ·
Comments ( 28 )

Good to hear you're alive. And I'll take you up on Pony Town, since I've actually had a set of characters saved for something like this. The Final Bosses and their ultimate forms, as well as the unnamed characters from Combat.

Riva (Unbound):

Franzer/Franzer (Awakened):
(Franzer is on the left, and her Awakened form is on the right)

Bajel (you can't see them, but she has black and white striped stockings):

Bajel (Full Power):

Combat Player Characters (sadly unnamed, so I'll let you decide what to name them):
Male (which may I point out is the only male character in the entire franchise):


Remind me tomorrow at about 7 your time I think. 9ish my time if you can. Thanks!

4893146 im actually gonna start on this now... after i finish my chores.

4893146 i cant log into pony.town for some reason

4893146 i logged in now i can make these characters

4925526 i still have chores though, i keep getting distracted

4925533 Understandable, and believe me, if anyone would know about being distracted, it would be me.

4925548 im done with chores and debating whether to do this or watch youtube

4925548 what species should franzer and awakened franzer be???

4925574 I honestly have no idea. Franzer is an empress (or emperor in Japan), and the second form is sort of power drunk and crazy. Alicorn would have made sense for the second form, but that also usually applies to royalty which the first form is. SO I'm conflicted as to which should be which.

4925632 i finished all of them except the male player character, i cant think of a name for him.

4925702 Honestly I can't either, since I tend to use my name or the default in that situation, and since there's no default (or naming option in general), I'm sort of up a creek in that regard.

4925702 On second thought, NAN-A could work, since he's the developer of the series.

4925771 okay, ill use that and work on it as soon as i can.

4926318 i finished all of them. yay!

4926352 Congratulations. And sorry for the delay. SAGE sort of distracted me a bit.

4926417 its fine, everyone is a few hours earlier then me timewise now so its weird anyway.

4926532 I can easily see that. It was 6 AM here when your last comment was posted.

4926592 it was 7 here, maybe it just seems weird because nobody except you and my bf have answered anything. weird schedule stuff.

4926596 That and the fact that the time zone differences cover a span of 6 hours in the US alone.

4926606 If you need help with uploading the OCs, feel free to let me know.

4926609 i will but i cant now, im in school

4926619 Understood. I was also previously thinking that you might chosen to make those Hamilton/Dear Evan Hansen OCs you were considering in your blog post on the 25th.

4926624 yeah i gotta do that too

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