• Member Since 30th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 18th, 2024

Architect Ironturtle

Just a scientist who's working through the six levels of writing in her spare time. Currently attacking number four, Structure.

More Blog Posts10

  • 346 weeks
    The Big Nap

    So. It's been over a year since I've posted anything. What happened?

    At first, in a word, graduation. I made it out of college and got an actual job. The thing is, the job hunting process ended seven months ago, and I was fully moved into a new apartment four months ago. Why no updates, then?

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    4 comments · 590 views
  • 419 weeks
    The Bad Webcomic Wiki and the Overly Zealous Use of the Mary Sue Lable

    I discovered The Bad Webcomic Wiki recently, and while browsing through the reviews stumbled across a link to an article on the site about Mary Sues. After reading it, well...

    Their net is dangerously wide. Just look at this list of supposed Mary Sue tells (bolding done by me):

    Read More

    1 comments · 608 views
  • 464 weeks
    Discord's Apprentice: Complete

    Yes, you did read that correctly. Discord's Apprentice, my second story and first semi-serious one, is finished, clocking in at 47,946 words. I know some people stuck it in their 'read when complete' bookshelf, so I'm posting this blog to let them know it's done.

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    2 comments · 491 views
  • 470 weeks
    New Story: "Pajama Sam: Friendship's Not Tragic, in Fact it's Like Magic!"

    Pajama Sam must rescue his big brother Mark from the evil Queen Chrysalis with the reluctant (on his part) help of the locals while learning a valuable lesson about family.

    Come on, you know you want to read it.

    0 comments · 358 views
  • 470 weeks
    Heads Up!

    Coming soon to a story box near you (and by soon I mean as soon as the moderators approve it)!

    Pajama Sam: Friendship's Not Tragic, in Fact it's Like Magic!

    That's right, I'm going there.

    4 comments · 474 views

The Big Nap · 6:34am Jun 17th, 2018

So. It's been over a year since I've posted anything. What happened?

At first, in a word, graduation. I made it out of college and got an actual job. The thing is, the job hunting process ended seven months ago, and I was fully moved into a new apartment four months ago. Why no updates, then?

Well, I picked up a new hobby while I was job hunting. Cosplay. And it's more or less taken over my life because it gave me a life. The years I've spent writing were also the ones where I was the most isolated, drifting through college with no local friends and an out of state family. Now it's almost the exact opposite, as I've made more new friends over the past 6 months than I had in my entire existence (all 23 years) before that point. These days most of my spare energy goes into making my next big costume (currently Poison Ivy) so I can make even more friends, as opposed to hiding away in my room with a keyboard and nothing else to do. Also, I turned out to be quite good at it, which didn't hurt.

Now what does that mean for this account? No new stories, more or less. I do still intend to finish everything I've started with priority to Nymphetamine and Pajama Sam (I really don't want to get into the habit of quitting), but I'm not about to add to that pile if I can avoid it. I'm not dead, far from it, and my appetite for pony fics is as insatiable as ever. I just have other obligations now.

Finally, if you like what you see, I've provided links to my cosplay Instagram and Facebook pages below. That Fluttershy is just the first of a nine (maybe 12) person group, and I'll be happy to provide more pictures if you ask once they're done. Until my next (actual) update!



Comments ( 4 )

So no new stories as in no more ever or just untill some of them are finished

4884116 As in, "If I start more stories they will never get finished, and I don't want to leave anything half done lying around."

Yea that Fluttershy pic doesn't just say 'Creepy-as-fuck'.

Comment posted by Architect Ironturtle deleted Jun 18th, 2018
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