• Member Since 26th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


Maltrazz the Plotsmith. Writer, reader, gamer, and connoisseur of Villains. "A Hero, pony or otherwise, is nothing without an excellent Villain."

More Blog Posts9

  • 175 weeks
    New Story?

    So, after far too long, I have finally managed to get myself writing again, and have just posted what I have been working on to my Patreon (meaning it will get posted here in a week, if you would rather wait). Now, as the title of this suggests, this is not, unfortunately, the next chapter of A Somber Tale, but rather the prologue of a new story. Hopefully, it will be enough to tide people over,

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    13 comments · 419 views
  • 210 weeks
    A Somber Tale: Chapter 35

    Hey, everyone! Just finished up the next chapter of A Somber Tale! One of the rewards I offer on Patreon is early access to new chapters, so if you are interested you can see it there now!

    If not, don't worry! I'll be post here as usual, in just one week. Either way, enjoy!

    2 comments · 458 views
  • 263 weeks
    A Somber Tale: Chapter 34

    Hey, everyone! Just finished up the next chapter of A Somber Tale! One of the rewards I offer on Patreon is early access to new chapters, so if you are interested you can see it there now!

    If not, don't worry! I'll be post here as usual, in just one week. Either way, enjoy!

    7 comments · 547 views
  • 323 weeks
    A Somber Tale - Chapter 33

    Hey, everyone! Just finished up the next chapter of A Somber Tale! One of the rewards I offer on Patreon is early access to new chapters, so if you are interested you can see it there now!

    If not, don't worry! I'll be post here as usual, in just one week. Either way, enjoy!

    7 comments · 596 views
  • 344 weeks

    I've never gotten art made for my MLP stories without commissioning it before, and the first piece is this amazing? REALLY? Please show them some Support!

    8 comments · 612 views

FANART!? · 3:40am May 4th, 2018

I've never gotten art made for my MLP stories without commissioning it before, and the first piece is this amazing? REALLY? Please show them some Support!

Comments ( 8 )

I hope for more soon, you made a very organic and wonderful story.

Thanks, I hardly dare to hope the same! :twilightblush:

Holy crud, that fan art looks fantastic!
Props to the artist! :pinkiehappy:

i should do some fan art of your story oO

I would be happy to reference it if you do!

Congratulations! Love the art work! And I would also love to make my own artwork for you as well, when I get time that is. :twilightsheepish:
Keep up the great work! :twilightsmile:

then i think I shall!

when I have time o>O.....im a commission artist for my job, so gift art is...hard to get to. but Ill try!


Well, don't feel pressured to do it, but I certainly wouldn't refuse it when you do have time! :twilightsmile:

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