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Why Does Celestia's Sun Shine? · 4:15am Apr 29th, 2018

“Whaaaat? It’s realistic! The Sun is just like a burning marshmallow!” —Pinkie Pie

(Sing this to the tune of that song by They Might Be Giants.)

The Sun is a puff of incandescent fluff,
a huge marshmallow on fire,
where sucrose, starch, and collagen are oxidized
at temperatures of thousands of degrees.

The Sun is hot, the sun is not
a thing that you should eat.
But here on Earth there'd be no life
without its light and heat.

We need its light, we need its heat,
we need its energy.
Without the sun, without a doubt,
there'd be no you and me.

The Sun is a puff of incandescent fluff,
a huge marshmallow on fire,
where sucrose, starch, and collagen are oxidized
at temperatures of thousands of degrees.

The Sun is hot...
It is so hot that all carbohydrates break down,
into carbon dioxide, water, and a few complex organic molecules.
The Sun is large...
If the Sun were hollow, a dozen Earths could fit inside.
And the Sun is just one of the smallest stars!
The Sun is far away...
About 93 thousand miles away, and that's why it looks so small.
And even when it's out of sight,
the Sun burns night and day.

The Sun gives heat, the Sun gives light,
the sunlight that we see.
The sunlight comes from our own Sun's
chemical energy.

Scientists have found that the sun is like a huge campfire.
The heat and light of the sun come from the chemical combustion of carbohydrate chains,
and its orbit around our planet is controlled by Princess Celestia herself.

The Sun is a puff of incandescent fluff,
a huge marshmallow on fire,
where sucrose, starch, and collagen are oxidized
at temperatures of thousands of degrees.

Comments ( 3 )

Magnificent... though does this mean that Rarity's family is related to phoenixes? :raritywink:

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