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Pre-chapter 3 Q&A session · 10:38pm Apr 22nd, 2018

So, last time I did this it was absolutely worthless, but I’m willing to give it another shot due to the success of Danganronpa V.E. - Creating Chaos. Yep, I’m doing a Q&A session for all of my watchers and any of you who are currently tracking V.E. and you are free to ask me any questions you like. Well, not every question, as I do have one guidelines for this:

Anything that might be a little too personal, such as address or phone numbers, are not okay to be asked due to obvious reasons. I don’t mind you asking me about who I am as a person, but anything I see as an attempt to find where I live will not be answered.

Simple enough, right? Anyways, feel free to ask and don’t be afraid of expressing your opinion on something I’ve done in my writing.

Comments ( 2 )

Sure I’ll indulge you with some questions

How difficult is it to write a story like this with so many chracters. I know you joked about it in a prievous chapter but it just makes me curious. Do you think it’s more difficult to write a story like this when their is more survivors or less?

Are you planning on adding sections in free time where certain chracters are not feeling too well and not interested in hanging out with you. I kinda both liked and hated that asspect where depending on what was happening during the story certain chracters would be unavailable or feel depressed. Are you going to add instances of that into your story

Are you thinking about adding any other mini games in the trials besides the ones you already have (rebuttal showdown/ debate scrum)?

Anyway good luck with your story looking forward to chapter 3

Writing a story with this many characters is definitely pretty hard, not only because you need to give every character enough time where they aren't forgotten, but also making them feel like they actually contribute something worth while to the story. The latter is the reason I despise Yasohiro Hagakure from THH, because he adds very little to the story and is kinda just... there.

I'm not really sure if I'll make certain characters unavailable during Free Time or not. It'll probably happen, I just don't know when I'll do it.

Also, no, what we currently have for mini games is what we are going to have. I do have parts that would work for things like hangmans gambit and psyche taxi/brain dive, but it's not really possible to do that in a fanfic.

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