• Member Since 26th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 12th, 2016


More Blog Posts21

  • 555 weeks
    So... I'm Drunk~ So drunk the world is rotating 180 degrees backwards, and it took me nearly 10 minutes to write this...

    Ask me a question, suggest me a story, and otherwise give me things to do, cuz I'm impaired. Alcohol doesn't mix well with other drugs, just an fyi~

    5 comments · 776 views
  • 593 weeks
    Study Buddies Gettin' Canned

    Hey everyone, I hate to say this (really really do) but I'm officially abandoning Study Buddies. It's not because it's a crappy story with too many frayed ends, plot holes, basic grammatical problems, cliche and mostly flat characters and a general lack of actual substance (though all of those are true, the damn thing is FUBAR), It's because I personally don't like writing it. It's a fic that

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    14 comments · 938 views
  • 608 weeks
    The False King is Crowned!

    Hey everyone! This is to announce that the sequel to Grimoire has been submitted! The first two chapters will be available as soon as it gets through the whole process, I certainly hope that you all enjoy and I really look forward to hearing what you guys think so far. Other than that, welcome to my incredibly weird update schedule once again, although now my stories are being graciously

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  • 615 weeks
    Hey there!

    The only reason for this blog is to kinda keep people up to date with me. It's been over a month since I've really accomplished anything, so I figured I'd let you all know that I haven't been a total slacker this whole time. I've been working on several little one-shot projects, but finally have settled on one in particular. It's not a one-shot anymore, rather a collection of seven one-shots

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  • 620 weeks

    I have to admit, I was a little skeptical at first, but the extra $19.99 US for FimFiction GoldĀ® Membership has been absolutely worth it. I must say, my favorite feature of the service has got to be the 24/7 live webcam stream of Knighty's bedroom. That is one unbelievably active space, I tell ya. Anyway, if you don't have one yet, I very much recommend going out of your way to purchase an

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Snowing! · 8:04am Oct 26th, 2012

So here I am, at 2:00 in the morning where I'm from just staring out my window and watching it snow. It's really coming down, by the way, probably a good three inches so far. There's something absolutely pretty about the snow, just a pure white blanket that falls down from the sky and sticks to absolutely everything, making it sparkle and shine and look as fresh as a bleached sheet right out of the laundry.

Then I remember that I live in Colorado... I've seen it snow in July, it always snows in the spring, and when it snows in winter we're lucky to get more than 4 inches tops that will just melt the next day, freeze into death-trap black ice on the street overnight, and then make everything really really cold. The wind always picks up this time of year so you get sharp little crystals blowing in your face while you walk to wherever it is you need to go, the chilly air stings almost as hard as getting the filthy slush from the ground crawling up your jeans and chilling you to the bone. Not to mention the fact that it makes anybody who's driving around extremely stupid (my friend almost T-boned some dipshit that ran a stop sign at a major cross street while speeding, and it's only been snowing for about a day and a half now).

Snow's really pretty, but it also sucks, so while I have the chance I'm just going to sit here, warm and cozy in my bed with my fresh and clean sheets and stare out the window. I'm going to watch the snow fall down in those big fluffy stereotype flakes that we all see in those pretty little movie scenes, waiting for it to pile up and melt on the still-warm ground until it finally sticks, and then I'm going to pretend like that prettiness doesn't come with a price. That way maybe, just maybe, I can deal with the fact that I haven't had time to write anything in nearly a week and have been kept away from most of my hobbies by school, work, and just general relaxation time with my friends on the weekend... It's no wonder so many writers back in the day were alcoholics (Bukowski anyone?), but it's a damn good thing I don't drink or I might be dead by now.

Complaint #6,938,287 over, thanks for reading!

Report Samsara · 463 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

This was me....in the morning, as I get no snow at 2:00 am even though I am also in Colorado. I'm sure it will come pay me a visit when it's done with you when it's time for my grocery shopping later. :facehoof: Look on the bright side, perhaps we can get snowed in and then find time for all that writing that needs doing. :twilightblush:

At least you have snow... I would kill for some snow down here... >_>

Howdy neighbor to the north. New Mexico here. Send some of that moisture down here. We needs it.

It was in the mid 80s here yesterday. When I woke up, it was in the 30s. Mother nature must be going through menopause, because that's one hell of a mood swing.

Trapped Under Ice - Metallica

Weather is fucked here. Monday was about 50 degrees. Tomorrow it is expected to be 90 degrees. Totally fucked.

I live in Michigan and our weather has just been alternating between warm spring day and chill autumn one.

This is probably the most normal the weather has been here.

This is actually the warmest year we've had in a while, considering we got over 250 inches of snow last year. Mind you, that almost all of that snow stayed on the ground. Sure, it dissipates over time, but when the snow is waist deep in the shallowest spots, you learn to deal.

By the way, I'd love to see Colorado some time. I might be well-traveled, but Michigan gets boring after a while.

I got just some rain today, IT only shows once every few YEARS here, and not by alot

Let's see.....it rained, got into the 60s, started to hail, sudden stop and sun, pouring rain, sun, really really cold........and that was all in an hour.....I love Michigan :pinkiecrazy:

I'm happy for you Sammy but, YAY Sammy you haven't left me or Fim Fiction yet

>Complaint #6,938,287
Tell me more about the others :moustache:

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