Please try and convince hasbro to keep Generation 4 alive! · 9:20am Apr 8th, 2018
For peeps like me who don't want to see G4 going down in a few years, simply because we love the show so much, or we don't want some to be deleted or changed, you can sign a petition to keep G4 going! There's a website used for voting to convince hasbro to continue G4, but I'm not sure if it's gonna work. Because we need 20,000 users to reach the goal. This petition was originally asked for to share by Mylittleponyfan. Do you also want Fimfiction to go down? If not please sign here it’s very easy just use your email, facebook or twitter account told you it was very easy.
Sign and share this petition and make it work!
Here's the link:
Petition rarely ever work. Never usually. In the end it's up to Hasbro than the viewers. Besides, everything must end while it still can stay good, and MLP's no exception. Who knows, we might love gen five just as much if not more; we can't keep clinging on and drag the show down to the likes of what shows like Simpsons and Spongebob had become for dragging on too long.
Exactly what 4835807 said. We don't know what the future will hold. Besides the fact that this is the second-to-last season in G4. Just like with G3 and 3.5, there absolutely MUST be an approx. 1 year wait period between Generations (although, don't quote me on that due to the time discrepancies between G1, G2 and G3)!
I kinda agree with you there but I always give everything a try.
I just sign in
I hope it helped
just let it die already, let the show end on a high note, dragging it out just gonna make it worse.
plus it their brand and their franchise, they can do what even they want with it.
I say it already been too long, the quality has really dipped down in recent years, especially since there is no fixed stuff working on the show (In terms of writing)
We can make it happen! Besides, all those peeps out there who don't support this are forgetting about those who love this and would do anything to keep it going! For example, I'd hate to see Fluttershy go, and I know Puppy wouldn't like RD to be deleted or altered.
A 1 YEAR WAIT?!?!?!
Don't care what anyone says mlp Wount be the same anymore without G4