I am done with Jay David’s Night and Day series · 6:59pm Mar 11th, 2018
I wanted to give this series a chance. I really did. But the latest story has something in it that really pissed me off!
What was it that pissed me off? This:
”So...what do you know about that Discord guy?"
Sweetie looked up to him, seeming surprised.
"You've never heard of him?"
Spike shook his head.
"Not really. Mom mentioned him once, and that was only after Princess Celestia told her about him. All I know is that he was some scary guy from a long time ago."
Frowning, Sweetie nodded.
"He was really bad! He made ponies miserable everywhere! Because he thought it was fun! But it was just mean! If it hadn't been for the Queen, he might be around today, causing all sorts of bad stuff!"
Spike opened his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted when Miss Coco called out from across the room.
"Remember, Sweetie, she was still Princess Luna back then!"
Looking embarrassed again, Sweetie looked over to her teacher.
"Oops! Sorry, Miss Coco!"
The look the mare gave her made it clear that it was no real issue, and she got back to her work, while Sweetie looked back to her colleague.
"Anyway, she did what she had to. He was a monster, like the Tantalus, and monsters have to be..."
Her next words, all knew, would have been unpleasant to say, so instead, she looked down to the board.
"...Gone. Monsters have to be gone."
Spike slumped his shoulders slightly.
"I'm...I'm sorry if I upset you, Sweetie. I...I was just curious."
Looking back up to him, Sweetie smiled.
"It's okay, Spike. But..."
She regained her earlier look of curiosity.
"...I'd have thought everypony in Equestria would know about him too?"
Spike shook his head again.
"No. Well, it doesn't get taught in schools anyway."
Sweetie seemed confused by that.
"But...but it was so important! It was the reason our Kingdom was made in the first place!"
Spike considered that.
"Maybe...maybe Celestia didn't like thinking about it, so...so nopony talked about it afterwards?"
Thinking on that, Sweetie's eyes yet again drifted downwards.
This right here is the final nail in the coffin that this series is biased against Celestia.
I thought it wasn’t going to be as biased like other people had said after ‘Do you still play?’, but this right here destroyed whatever hope I had for this series.
I had started to realize that the series was starting to be biased against Celestia in ‘Propaganda’, but I had hoped that Jay wouldn’t go down that route, until more and more stories after that started becoming more and more in favor of the lunar ponies.
The idea that Celestia would ever withhold such important information from her little ponies is completely out of character for her!
Celestia would have had schools teach about Discord. She never would have done what she did in the fic series.
I wanted to like this series. I really did. But its increasing bias against Celestia has now completely alienated me from it.
This is ultimately just as bad as ‘The Thousand Year Change’.
I want to see a fic where Luna has a following, that’s not biased against Celestia. Twice, I thought I had found one, and twice have I been duped into reading Lunar Republic Propaganda.
I’m not going to bother reading anymore of Jay’s fics. Not after this.
Then again, this series was inspired by Lily Peet. Who is also biased against Celestia, so what the hell did I expect?
Really? There are lots of fics by him that are good and don't have either Celestia or Luna in them, and there are even some good Celestia fics.
Also, Lily likes Celestia more than she does Luna; or at least the way the writers handled them.