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Fanfic update 15/02/2018 · 9:30am Feb 15th, 2018

Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't posted anything of late; I've been working really hard to get The Power of Two completed, and up until yesterday, it was going splendidly - Hornette had been settling in well, and even Rainbow Dash...well, I can't spoil the story, so I'll say no more about it. Considering it was Valentine's day, even if I didn't really have a special someone to share it with, it should have been hunky-dory for old muggins here, and for all the characters in the story - except that the OpenOffice file decided to corrupt itself after my internet browser started playing up. I managed to get the latter sorted out, but the OpenOffice document is now nothing but hashtags from beginning to end! The good news is that I've still got a previous copy on my external hard drive, but the bad news is that, unless I can recover the main file, I've now got to rewrite a full 27 pages of missing material from scratch. A fine Valentine's day this has been for me! And after all the effort I put into this fanfic!

So yeah, that's gonna set the completion date of The Power of Two back a long way, and as you can imagine, I'm feeling really deflated over the whole thing. I've uploaded most of what I have left here on Fimfiction (unpublished, I should point out), so if you want to see what I'd got up until September last year, then I can go ahead and publish; but as I said, it'll be a while yet before I can give you the rest of the story - that is if I can't recover the main document, which I doubt I'm gonna be able to do.

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