Sacred and Wild: Chapter 4 update · 12:05pm Feb 8th, 2018
Good news everypony! Not only are you reading this in the voice of professor Fonsworth, and not only is the slime flowing again, but the first draft of Sacred and Wild Chapter 4 is done! I will start editing next week, but in addition, I have decided to go through the old chapters and give them a quick re-edit. This is both tweak the grammar and sentence structure, but also to fix any potential continuity errors. The story has been a long time coming, and so I find it best to give the whole thing a little dust off.
Thank you so much to all of my readers for your patience with this story, and to my editor, who has provided me with some amazing feedback, despite not being an MLP fan himself! Rest assured, I have plenty of plans for future stories, many of which I have been mulling over for months, if not years now! This is an exciting time for my Fimfiction journey, and I hope you can all stick with me through it.