Music SIG Likes #67 :: Avatar (part deux) · 4:59am Feb 8th, 2018
More Avatar goodness!
This certainly is an interesting album, filled with a pleasingly wide variety of influences and sounds. I remember an interview somewhere (YouTube perhaps?) a while back with Johannes Eckerström, the lead singer, saying the band did not want to get stuck making the same sounds and music again and again. They succeeded quite well here; a veritable cornucopia of different styles here!
(DocWario - Spike's Bad Scale Day)
Legend of the King
The King Welcomes You To Avatar Country
(Shades of Buckcherry + AC/DC here. The smooth jazz bridge in the middle is a bit startling, but it works surprisingly well!)
King's Harvest
The King Wants You
A Statue of the King
King After King
Silent Songs of the King Pt. 1: Winter Comes When the King Dreams of Snow
(Another track of a different style; this one has a delicious chill, electronic vibe to it...)
Silent Songs of the King Pt. 2: The King's Palace
Feel free to reply and post anything that you enjoy!
Also: dinner time!