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Music SIG Likes #65 :: Gloryhammer · 4:41am Jan 23rd, 2018

On the power metal cheesy fun scale from "At home in the 80's" to "Featured on the box art for a graphics card", Gloryhammer certainly pegs the metre. The first song is about a wizard leading an army of undead unicorns which sets the tone for everything that follows.

Interestingly enough, Gloryhammer was founded by Christopher Bowes, the keyboard player for Alestorm. It sounds like it could be an ace soundtrack for an epic DnD game.

(AssasinMonkey - Children of the Sun)

The Unicorn Invasion of Dundee

Angus McFife

Quest for the Hammer of Glory

Magic Dragon

Beneath Cowdenbeath


Legend Of The Astral Hammer

Goblin King Of The Darkstorm Galaxy

Victorious Eagle Warfare

Questlords Of Inverness, Ride To The Galactic Fortress!

Feel free to reply and post anything that you enjoy!

Comments ( 6 )

So much metal! xD

I likes the metal. Lately, I've been on this huge metalstep binge, namely from The Enigma TNG.

He's got a ton of songs out there, but these are what I really like thus far.

(Just in case Youtube removes those specific videos and I want to find them again)

  • The Enigma TNG - Nightmares in Paradise
  • The Enigma TNG - Giger Effect
  • The Enigma TNG - Heavy Grind
  • The Enigma TNG - Death Dealer


Those last three remind me a bit of Blue Stalhi/Celldweller mixed with some Frank Klepacki (he is the chap that did the sound tracks for the original Command & Conquer games).


(Spiders Down Yonder - Arachnophobia)

Nice! I like Arachnophobia! Pretty sweet tune that I can use for a future project, if given the proper permissions to do so!

Truly a glorious band! Goblin Motherbuckin' King Of The Darkstorm Motherbuckin' Galaxy FTW!!! :yay:


Truly a glorious band!

So gloriously cheesy, they could be used as a topping for nachos, yet you can practically taste the fun they had with these albums!

It’s so true. Actually I also have to give these guys a lot of credit for redeeming the use of synthesizers in metal for me. Like I know that a lot of (especially) power metal bands use them, but these guys have a sound that makes no bones about the fact that these are freakin’ synthesizers and not just stand-ins for “real” instruments, y’know? Battle Beast does something similar, though they strike more of a balance between seriousness and cheese.

Come to think of it, contemporary synths were one of my fun musical “discoveries” of 2017, and I owe a fair bit of that to you. That Scandroid album absolutely knocked my socks off!

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