New Year, New Me · 7:02am Jan 18th, 2018
I put on my robe and wizard hat before commissioning a portrait from Willawisp
Ain't I the cutest?!
Just wanna take this opportunity to apologize to my friends for not reading their fics and basically falling out of the fandom. I know, I suck! Six years was a long ride, though, eh? I do intend to start reading again at some point. Feel free to message me here or on social media anytime. I still love the friends I've made in this fandom and can't wait to see y'all again at TrotCon. Those of you with my phone number can also feel free to call or text whenever
That's a great new avatar. :D
This of course means you dress like a wizard 24/7 IRL now, yes? >:B If not, I will be severely disappointed.
So adorable!
I'll add you to the already extensive list of people who consider me a disappointment
In my defense, I'm not allowed to dress like that at work. Maybe I should at least order a wizard outfit for TrotCon. That might be fun! Not sure how I'll wear my Admiral Biscuit shirt with it, though
Thank you! I seriously can't get over how cute your avatar is
4776506 I knowww. cute ferrets are best
Are there non-cute ferrets?
4776587 I personally believe there are not. Much like how there is no such thing as an uncute Holly Oats n_n.
Aw, you're sweet! Wrong, but sweet