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  • 208 weeks
    Robinhood invite

    I have been trading stocks on over the past ten weeks, and I am not gonna deny that it has been great. With a with dips here and there, I have mostly been gaining money off of it. And if you are smart about it, you can too. In fact, there might even be a way to do that more easily.

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    0 comments · 215 views
  • 220 weeks
    My YouTube Channel:

    Never got able to write something about My Little Pony. Don't know why. I have done roleplaying, but writing stories is just kind of... Not my specialty for this fandom.

    But, I do write stories set more in the real world. You can read more of them here.

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    0 comments · 182 views
  • 224 weeks
    I need a hoof

    Anyone know where I can upload CreepyPastas? I no of like two good subreddits for this, but I am hoping to find some more.

    1 comments · 176 views
  • 226 weeks

    Seizure warning:

    1 comments · 199 views
  • 235 weeks
    I have done something wrong.

    I am an idiot.

    God... I damaged my apartment and now I have to pay the bill. God willing I don't get evicted, too.

    Please, Lord.

    6 comments · 214 views

I need some advice. · 7:14pm Jan 16th, 2018

Can anyone reading this tell me: Do I live in a bad environment? Or, is the whole world crazy Hyper-Sexual?

All of my peers love asking me about my sex life. What kind of women are you attracted to? *pulls phone out and shows a picture of a half-naked woman* Would you fuck this, [Zaknel]? And, in a customer's living room, "Whoa. You have chest hair." *five seconds of getting everyone else's attention* "Pull down your shirt so we can see all of you chest hair"

Like, what?!?!?! In five seconds, they are becoming indecent in a customer's living room. The customer was in the next room over.

Would anyone reading this please give a few words of advice to a stumbling autistic young man? Are these just hyper sexual people? Or, is everyone like this and I should get used to it? That last one just bothered me. A lot.

Report Zaknel · 442 views · #NSFW
Comments ( 3 )

I would tell them to stop it. Set boundaries.

Sorry for my rantings. I have to deal with my sociopathy and everyone else's craziness at the same time. It gets to the point of needing advice sometimes.

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