Hey everybody · 7:12pm Jan 2nd, 2018
Hey all! Sorry that I haven’t been doing much lately. I’m planning to try and write every day and maybe even try and update stories every other week (give or take.)
I’m trying to improve on my writing style and many things in my life and I hope to be writing my stuff for many years to come. Happy new year!
Hello man, it's been awhile. I'm not sure if you remember me or not
I’m sorry. The name rings a bell but can you remind me?
I'm that one dude who wrote that crappy Persona crossover. My Little Persona The Chosen Hour. I'm working on a different fanfic that's meant to improve on the shortcomings of that
I remember now! That sounds awesome! Let me know if there’s any way I can help. I’m gonna try and be more active on here.
I already have a plethora of ideas. I can PM you about it if you want
Sounds good.