• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen February 8th


I'm a recently returned writer and plan to release alot of stories again.

More Blog Posts659

  • 6 weeks
    I no longer got covid.

    But I still got a somewhat terrible cough. Will try to continue my writing.

    3 comments · 57 views
  • 9 weeks
    Well i got covid.

    Yeah, so I have covid getting plenty of rest and hope to get through this fast. On the bright side, I'm not coughing as much anymore.

    2 comments · 47 views
  • 11 weeks
    I've officially seen Chicken run and its sequel.

    What a fun series, I love Clay animation and hope it gets a third movie at some point.

    0 comments · 35 views
  • 13 weeks
    Going to try and finish my story A Haunted Nursery.

    Honestly I have ideas for a sequel a wholesome sequel involving Applebloom.

    7 comments · 97 views
  • 13 weeks
    Am embarrassed now.

    Last post from last night I now know what the cause is, it's not a ghost or a spirit it's sadly nerve damage, and I won't get surgery but I can exercise and drink lots of green tea to fix it, I think it's cause my 11 month old puppy runs fast on a leash and yes thst can damage the nerve.

    1 comments · 63 views

I've been having some breathing issues. · 3:25am Dec 12th, 2017

Being sick might be causing more issues then I thought... I've been having breathing issues, no matter what I try I can't seem to get my breathing under control and I'm at a lost, this sickness has become more concerning, now if it's not better by tomorrow I'm going to probably go see a doctor. Like it feels like there's something in my throat and no matter what kinda cough medicine I take I can't get it to go away, at this point I've tried everything

Report Matt11 · 301 views · #Sick #throat #IRL issues.
Comments ( 9 )

I'm not sure what exactly that might be. Is it just shortness of breath, or is it an inability to catch your breath, or maybe draw air in?

By any chance, does your family have a history of lung diseases or athasma, because that could mean you're at a higher risk of developing such a condition.

Either way, I hope it's nothing too serious. :fluttershysad:

Comment posted by Matt11 deleted Dec 12th, 2017

My mother thanks I might have brondchitis

I have damage throat. and it have sallow food or easy to get so bad if fail sallow something I be throw up for few hours or cough up blood.

It got worse now it feels like something is choking me from the inside, but when I drink water it goes down just fine nothing gets stuck. Weridest part is I'm getting enough oxygen.

Get To The Doctor Or ER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes I do get asthma attacks.


I'm at the doctor's right now.


Good. I dislike having to Growl at a Friend. but for something like this I Will if I have too!

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