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One Track '17 · 4:15am Nov 30th, 2017

Comments ( 24 )


50 Shades of Pepto Bismol.

Skirts is a vagina master.


You're so cute.

Why do i think this is forshadowing something

Run. Now. While you still can.

Release your inner shopping spree

Any more pink and you might as well be cotton candy.

~Skeeter The Lurker

This amount of pink would normally be considered unhealthy, but for a lemur like you, it's all part of the plan.

So... incoming rough and tumble Rainbow Dash story?

Raripie? I think I'm okay with this. :raritywink::pinkiehappy:

I'm left with many questions. :rainbowderp:

They mainly have to do with where these particular pictures came from, actually. I can't help but wonder just what search terms you were using, because you definitely didn't just grab the first bunch that showed up under "pink"; you picked and chose these suckers. Which means a significant amount of time was spent browsing through several pages of this to bring us what we see.

And then I remember that this is Skirts, and I really shouldn't be questioning it--- until I slip, and, for a moment, I have to wonder, "Just... why?" And then we're back where we started.

TL;DR: Carry on, Skirts. I'm going to go drown my woes in Minesweeper because I still don't drink.

What is this? Xmas wishlist?

For a moment I thought I was looking at your Tumblr.


I feel certain I've seen every one of these pictures before.

I'm okay with this.

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