Another Story Concept, this time about the Mayas or any other middle or south american culture · 2:26pm Nov 16th, 2017
Well as the title complies, its another story idea but this time about the Mayans.
Similar to the story "A Zebrica for a Human" this concept will revolve about a human landing, or maybe even being summoned by a Maya like Civilization somewhere on Equis. Populated by ponies of course.
The character could either be Alexander again or someone else entirely. Most of you probably know that the Mayan's or Astec's had some really outlandish Gods and costumes. Vengeful non human looking gods, human sacrifice, blood rituals and so on.
Well the idea with this one is that a human gets send into a jungle or maybe even right in front of a city, gets found by the locals and immediately gets recognize as one of their deities simple because of his human looks. Because in their pantheon halve of the gods they have are bipedal and kind of resemble a hairless apes pretty similar to humans.
The main inspiration for this idea pretty much come from the DreamWorks Movie " Road to El Dorado" and with that, you can all pretty much image how this story is going to pan out if you have seen the movie.
Either way the main reason as to why I came up with this as well is mainly because that I have a Mayan style pony OC that would go great with this concept as well. She looks like a queen or a high priest of one of their gods which would work great in introducing the main character to their world and also him to the populace, either hailing him as a god or a king. Or god king, who knows.
That is basically the idea I have, Mayan ponies, similar to those tribesman you saw with the daring do episodes, only less tribe and more "Civilized".
Soooo, the tribe that Ahuizotl commands?
Nope, its an actual Civilization, pretty similar to either Astec's or Mayans.
Why north/south america when there's so many other better nations
Like King Arthur would be pretty dope. Just have him and all of the knights of the round table arrive to equestria (pony or not pony form). If your looking into an old empire then why not Egypt, I mean they are canon soo...
Or what about the vikings?
I just haven't done a lot of research regarding the Astec's and Mayans, so I'm not so sure if it'll be interesting or not. If you're arguing between Mayan's or the Astec's then how about letting them both be in the story; fighting it out.
I'm fine with this, but I'm starting to get worried that you would be overexerting yourself with the amount of stories you already have going. Maybe make a different human instead? Alexander is already in two of your stories so a new human might be a nice change of pace. Maybe a female?
You know, I have a few chapters revolving around something similar to this, only with diamond dogs
Fun Fact: here in México, Luna is a relatively-common surname - it's one of mine!
Are there any plans for a Quetzalcoatl-inspired pony? Even if it's a jade-green Rainbow Dash for potential shenanigans?
I guess I should have added "hard to pronounce names" into the description.
Also you want a pony/lizard hybrid?
Not necessarily, it's just that Quetzalcoatl is often described as being very colorful - the very real quetzal birds are super shiny - and I just love shiny things.
Plus, we need more sun gods-inspired ponies in this fandom. Parallels to Apollo are plentiful already in Celestia herself, and thanks to Ōkami we get the occasional crossover, covering Amaterasu. I haven't seen much of any other sun gods, or spirits at all.
Well, if you want to get an idea/inspiration about this Aztec/Mayan culture, I recommend you this fic based around that culture, it's quite a good read.
Overall, the story sounds good and I'm always down on Mayan/Aztec culture even if I think it's overused. Also, please be careful with your flow of stories, try to have at least a few in hiatus so you don't overwork yourself.
Dude, you must really read a bit more of Latin American history, its much better than you think.
Even if he looks like one of the gods they probably would try to test his divinity, they don't want to bow to a false god now would they?
i need to read more in general
Well if you watched "The Road to El Dorado" then you should know that the main two characters did just that...kind off.
id read that, just hope the guy doesn't try to con them and run away with the money, more like he has a desire to run his own nation, but that's just me and my preferences
I have watched it, and if I remember correctly the high priest wanted them to show their divinity, and it was "Proved" when that volcano was eropting and died of . And it was disproven when one of them got injured, remember that "Gods don't bleed".
Yes I know that, I fully remember the movie.
hello, as mexican im offended... nah! im just kidding
ok time to being serious, aztec and mayan are as different as germans and spaniards.
i suggest watch this video, dont worry it has subtittles in english.
road to el dorado is a bad example of the culture mixup
but hey its your story, making a civilization mixed is part of the fun of writing, whatever you choose it will be great.
One, I already personally know that both Astec's and Mayans are two different peoples. And two, the video is in Spanish.
do you activate the subtitles in the gear icon and set it in English?
This would be fun to read
Can you make a new OC, I see that you probably only want ponies but perhaps this empire could consist of Kirin too, a joint Kirin pony empire.
Also are you willing to have a romantic interest for the main character
This idea was already used for a novel I am working one. No ponies all original.