"Pretence" update schedule · 3:24pm Nov 12th, 2017
To those of you who follow my story "Pretence", you might have noted in the AN of the newest chapter that I mentioned that I would try to upload around once a month. I would like to amend that, as I've come to realise that, however much I would like to, I don't think I can keep that promise.
I mentioned that my wrists had not healed completely, and with that comes periods of pain where it's uncomfortable for me to write. For that reason, I will instead aim for at least one chapter every two months. It will give me more leeway, and allow for writing when I can, as opposed to forcing myself to type through pain to try to uphold a promise I most likely couldn't keep.
However, keep in mind that I say at least. If I can upload one chapter a month, I will. But if my wrists keep me from writing for a week or two, then I at least won't be breaking a promise I made to you guys.
But that's that. There is a second reason I write this blog, also related to the last chapter. I forgot to thank my friend Taranasauruso_o for helping me with the edits of this chapter. So thank you!
You are writing a good atory and no one can fualt you for needed some breaks when in pain. You are still striving to continue your work even with the circumstances and that is admirable. I can't speak for everyone but I know I will at least be happy to see it continhe regardless of having to wait for an update.
Votre Icon is freaking Amazing!!!
"Votre Icon" ? <.<
You Icon . Your Picture thing.
aaah. Thanks :D