I Just Saw The MLP Movie · 9:33am Nov 9th, 2017
So I just saw My Little Pony: The Movie in theatres and overall, I really enjoyed it. A review for the film is in the works but in short, as a fan of the show I thought the movie was pretty good. I thought the animation was visually stunning, and in my opinion I thought it was one of the most visually pleasing animated films I've seen in a while. I thought the movie was pretty funny, with quite a few jokes that will go way over kid's heads and some jokes and references that only bronies would really get. I loved how the main voice cast returned the reprise their roles and I felt like every single member of the Mane 6 was perfectly in character... most of the time. I thought Tempest Shadow was an excellent villain and I loved Emily Blunt's performance. It was also really nice to explore outside Equestria, some of the places were drastically different to the stuff we've seen from the show. Overall, I really had fun and I'm glad I saw it in theatres.
That's not to say I thought the movie was perfect. I thought Storm King was really funny but the way the film built him up I kind of wish he was more threatening and intimidating, a similar vibe to a character like say Tirek. However he's very one dimensional and he's one of the funniest characters in the movie, so I didn't find him that threatening at all. I also had an issue with how the Mane 6 was handled. While they felt exactly like the way they are in the show, the Mane 6 didn't get as much attention as I would have liked them to, since the film had to make room to focus on new characters (which I liked) but I wish the Mane 6 had a bit more time to shine. I also found the spotlight they got really uneven. The film really focused on Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie, and to an extent Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash is my favourite member of the Mane 6 but I thought she had way too much of the spotlight, and Applejack and Rarity felt like they were seriously pushed to the sideline, and I wish the Mane 6 each got their own equal amount of time to shine. I also had an issue with how Twilight Sparkle was handled. What really caught off guard watching the film was just how pessimistic Twilight was throughout roughly 90% of the film, and at one point Twilight says something that I felt like was a pretty big step out of character, and something I felt like Twilight would never say. I knew where they were going with it, and they immediately addressed it, but it still felt really forced. Those who've seen the movie should know what scene I'm talking about. I also had a few issues with the structure of the film, however those were most of my main issues.
Overall, I really liked the My Little Pony movie, I had a lot of fun with and I recommend it to any Brony that hasn't seen it already.