Random Horse Fact · 12:09am Nov 9th, 2017
Probably a screencap
What you need to know:
Recently somebody said something on one of my blogs about basing stories around random horse facts, and then Trick Question put her Nipples on FimFiction for all to see (and if you haven't checked her Nipples out, you ought to: it's worth it).
Super Trampoline and I got to commenting and then PMing, and he said that he "need[ed] to write an explicitly uninteresting horse fact story ."
Well, I have a book called Why Do Horses Sleep Standing Up, and I figured that there must be an uninteresting fact in there somewhere. And I did think of one, and it could probably be made uninteresting if one tried: IRL equines can't puke.
Yes, we've seen it in the show (well, as close to it as they can show in a kid's show). That's what the AU tag is for, kids!
A couple more notes:
Where there are luna moths, giant eagles are sure to follow.
Source (YouTube Video)
Is there a generic fan name for anthropomorphic bipedal cats? Because I thought somebody had used one on FimFiction, but now I can't find it.
I'll probably wind up editing in a fact I forgot about here.
I had a class on automotive network diagnosis last night, and the first half was pretty much stuff that I already knew. Rather than pay attention, I scribbled in my notebook, and this came out. I'm not sorry at all.
that is a easy answer with goes back to a vary simple fact they are fight or flight animals.
if you have ever watch a horse trying to stand up they are awkward at best and it takes time.
if something is sneaking up with attent of eating you it is best if you are on your feet moving.
do horses lie down to sleep yes. if you see a horse lying down sleeping that horse feels vary safe.
I think Kaitien was a specific species of anthro cats? Depends what they are. Aftre all, you come up against an 9 foot plus tall anthro Liger in Exoarmor carrying a MBT killing plasma pulse rifle in one hand, youre most likely to call them Sir.
Kitties? "Kitties" works for me...
The movie prequel comic calls them Abyssinians since that's where they're from...
From what I've read, they actually need to have REM sleep laying down, but only for about 15 minutes. I generally differentiate it as dozing when they're standing up, and sleeping when they're on their side (an actual biologist might not have that distinction).
I wonder if ponies have stay apparatus on their forelegs? Could they doze on their hooves, and only take a short nap for their REM sleep?
That's something I've considered for a story, but never done.
I'm sure there are specific species names in various fantasy universes, but I wonder if there's a kind of universal one?
Kitties sounds reasonable.
Alright, that's fair.
I skimmed the movie wiki, and it didn't give them a specific name, but I didn't dig any further than that.
I should clean up Small Horse Poop Tale, which is definitely about horse facts.
I also recently had a funny idea for a puking fic based off just that fact. :V
4720838 For horses can't puke I remember TNAB's fic about Celestia going to Earth on a diplomatic mission...
It doesn't go well
that sounds like a good idea for a story.
i had a older horse one time that use to fall asleep and fall over he had bade knees in the front they would not lock.
he destroy several things falling over it was sad he was super smart but age got to him, he was given to me free and i kept him for 4 years he is burred at my old farm.
Cat people?
lol read the url
They don't sleep standing up on the show either. At least, until Twilight starts lecturing. Everything he thought he knew about horses is wrong!
4721171 I'll be damned.
The cat people are in the Griffin the Griffin stories, but as far as I remember, they're just called Cat People.
Yes, you should. And if you need help on volume measurements, I did more research after my poop blog post and now have better numbers (spoiler: it's a lot).
Whatever it is, do it.
Do you remember what it was called? I feel like I might have read it, but I'm not sure.
I was actually considering doing it instead of this. I may yet.
Cat people is good, I guess. Or Abyssissian, since that's apparently where he comes from.
Well, we don't know that for sure. IRL horses need to get some REM sleep lying down; maybe that's why they have beds. And maybe they only use them in 15 minute stretches, then they're good to go again.
Maybe ponies go to Twilight's lectures for the purpose of dozing. And Mayor Mare's speeches, and anything else that is boring.
Maybe that's why ponies like lines, too. Gives them a chance to snooze.
(And before you say their eyes are open, maybe they paint fake eyes on their eyelids.)
Maybe I'm overthinking this just a wee bit.
What is that from?
That's kind of a boring name.
Are the cats in Cats called anything special?
Oh shit.
Is it time to start up a Random Horse Facts group yet? :V
Oh shit.
Maybe. I think there is the coalition for more horse-like ponies, which is probably close enough.
4721768 I have no idea and apparently was hallucinating when I thought TNAB wrote it.
The plot is: Celestia goes to meet with humans on Earth and either eats something bad for her and gets incredibly sick or gets colic and can't throw up so they have to pump her stomach. Since they have to work so fast and she feels to wretched they're not able to explain what's going on until after the fact. Drat, I wish i could remember who wrote it. i can picture the cover art almost too.
4721772 I read the name Abyssinia in the comic, but I honestly don't remember it being mentioned in the movie.
Klugetown wasn't mentioned in the movie, and they went there.
Not a good indicator of canon, 'swhat I'm sayin'. :B
My Little Pony: Escape from Catrina
Reagan's War on Drugs went to some weird places.
Chocolate is poisonous to horses. In other news, Pinkie Pie just committed suicide.
I think I read that one, too. But I'll be damned if I can remember what it was called.
I don't remember it being mentioned in the movie, either, but I can't say that it wasn't.
Yeah . . . Damn you, Hasbro.
Speaking of which, they really ought to make for April Fools Day an episode that's a crossover with Transformers.
Maybe I'll suggest that to M.A. Larson next time I see him.
I remember when all the video games at arcades used to start with a "Stay Off Drugs, Kids" message.
I really need to watch more of the older episodes. Even though a lot of them look to be rather cringeworthy, there's probably plenty of good stuff in them for worldbuiliding and whatnot.
It wasn't It Will All Be Over Soon, Princess by Luna-tic Scientist you were thinking of, was it? I think that was the one I was thinking of that I'd read, but I'm not totally certain.
I'm pretty sure that they've eaten it in canon, though.
And how much, I wonder? Like, if you fed a horse one slice of chocolate cake, would it keel over, or would it take more than that? (Not that I intend to try, mind you.)
4724014 That's the one! I remember the cover art especially vividly. it really confused me when i first saw it.
For April Fool's Day? They should get Michael Bay to direct it.
Yeah, and the story itself was kind of confusing, IIRC. When I got to the end, I felt like there was something important that I'd missed.
I'm not sure if that would make it better or worse, TBH.
That's been on my RiL for . . . probably three or four years.
4724849 It's been so long since I've read it and I'm not interested in rereading it so I'll take your word for it n_n
Yeah, IIRC if a horse is puking you're in an emergency situation or it's dead....
Moral: the solution to fire is more fire.
Pretty much. More towards dead, I'd think, since apparently they're biologically incapable of vomiting.
See these eyes so green
I can stare for a thousand years
Colder than the moon
It's been so long
And I've been putting out fire
With gasoline
Ah, David Bowie.
(I hadn't heard that song before, as it happens)